[建議] PHP 漏洞與 phpBB
版主: 版主管理群
本區是討論關於 phpBB 2.0.X 架設安裝上的問題,只要有安裝任何外掛,請到外掛討論相關版面按照公告格式發表。
本區是討論關於 phpBB 2.0.X 架設安裝上的問題,只要有安裝任何外掛,請到外掛討論相關版面按照公告格式發表。
[建議] PHP 漏洞與 phpBB
PHP exploits and phpBB
Recently a serious exploitable issue was discovered in PHP (the scripting language in which phpBB, IPB, vB, etc. are written) versions prior to 4.3.10. The problematical functions include unserialize and realpath. phpBB (along with a great many other scripts including IPB, vB, etc.) use these two functions as a matter of course.
It has come to our attention that code has now been released which uses this exploit in PHP to obtain confidential information in phpBB. Such information includes data contained in phpBB's config.php file. We therefore recommend the following:
1) If you maintain your own server be sure to upgrade to the newest available release of PHP (both versions 4 and 5). Be aware that at this time phpBB 2.0.x has problems functioning under PHP5 without modification.
2) If you pay for hosting ensure you hosting provider has upgraded thier installation of PHP (again remember that phpBB 2.0.x and other scripts will not function under PHP5 without modification).
簡單的說,就是請確定你的主機上使用的 PHP 版本是 4.3.10,並且使用 phpBB 2.0.11。
如果你使用的是租用主機,請務必要求主機商盡早更新 PHP。
Recently a serious exploitable issue was discovered in PHP (the scripting language in which phpBB, IPB, vB, etc. are written) versions prior to 4.3.10. The problematical functions include unserialize and realpath. phpBB (along with a great many other scripts including IPB, vB, etc.) use these two functions as a matter of course.
It has come to our attention that code has now been released which uses this exploit in PHP to obtain confidential information in phpBB. Such information includes data contained in phpBB's config.php file. We therefore recommend the following:
1) If you maintain your own server be sure to upgrade to the newest available release of PHP (both versions 4 and 5). Be aware that at this time phpBB 2.0.x has problems functioning under PHP5 without modification.
2) If you pay for hosting ensure you hosting provider has upgraded thier installation of PHP (again remember that phpBB 2.0.x and other scripts will not function under PHP5 without modification).
簡單的說,就是請確定你的主機上使用的 PHP 版本是 4.3.10,並且使用 phpBB 2.0.11。
如果你使用的是租用主機,請務必要求主機商盡早更新 PHP。
最後由 Mac 於 2005-04-16 08:19 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
php 檔案下載
Note: Due to a problem with earlier versions of Zend Optimizer, its users are urged to upgrade to the latest version.
要下載哪一種zip or installer ?
Note: Due to a problem with earlier versions of Zend Optimizer, its users are urged to upgrade to the latest version.
要下載哪一種zip or installer ?
非官方外掛問題區公告: [必看]請配合發問格式及明確主題發問(2004 02/16更新)
請不要濫用 私人訊息 或是 MSN 問問題...你以為竹貓是架好看的阿
請不要濫用 私人訊息 或是 MSN 問問題...你以為竹貓是架好看的阿
謝謝webspirit, 等我看完電影回來.
非官方外掛問題區公告: [必看]請配合發問格式及明確主題發問(2004 02/16更新)
請不要濫用 私人訊息 或是 MSN 問問題...你以為竹貓是架好看的阿
請不要濫用 私人訊息 或是 MSN 問問題...你以為竹貓是架好看的阿
4.0.10 是筆誤嗎?webspirit 寫:請教一下
但其回覆因使用 CPanel 為主體,PHP 4.0.10 仍有許多問題,為顧及穩定及相容性,暫不考慮更新\r
請問這是怎麼回事?難道 PHP 4.0.10 會造成 CPanel 不穩定?
代碼: 選擇全部
General server information:
PHP version 4.3.10
MySQL version 4.0.22-standard-log
cPanel Build 9.9.9-CURRENT 13
竹貓主機更新到 4310
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。
竹貓主機使用的就是 CPANEL 也升級到 4310 了webspirit 寫:請問有人知道 PHP 4.3.10 與 CPanel 的穩定及相容性關連嗎?
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。
應該擔心的是主機商吧!他負責提供服務,出問題有連帶責任!如果有關係竹貓主機怎麼會放心升級?webspirit 寫:那請問會與 CPanel 的版本有關嗎?
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。
●phpBB 架設相關問題請到 + phpBB 3.0.x 討論區發表!
●關於 phpBB 使用問題請在版面發問,私人訊息提供其他不相干或是隱私的事情聯絡之用。