軟體版本: N/A
軟體語系: 英文
- Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or newer.
- Processor: Intel Pentium or better.
- RAM: 128Mb, more highly recommended.
- Additional requirements: DirectX 9 or later.
下載頁面: http://www.splitcamera.com/
這種免費軟體, 一旦安裝以後, 各位會員你將可以同一時間使用ICQ, YIM, MSN, QQ或者SKPTE 的視頻功能囉^^SplitCamera is a freeware virtual video clone and split video capture driver for connecting several applications to a single video capture source.

安裝了這種軟體, 你將可以.....同一時間用一同一個web cam(眼睛)跟msn, icq, QQ或者Sktpe一的朋友一起使用視頻囉