NOTE: I'm too slow typing Chinese, but I can read it with no trouble. Sorry for posting in English.
●架設主機作業系統:Linux (unknown distribution)
●您安裝的程式:Appache 1.3.33 (Unix), PHP 5.8.7, MySQL 4.1.13-standard
●您的 phpBB2 版本:phpBB 2.0.17
●您的 domain(網域名稱) :
●您的 phpBB2 連結網址: (future address, currently a blank forum)
I don't know how the form above can help with the problem, but I filled it out anyway. I'd like to know where I can get the phpBB-tent-style rank images that Bamboocat (竹貓 ) uses (e.g. the one of 小竹子). Please give me a link. If it's by Bamboocat, please kindly grant me permission to use the images.
Thanks in advance!
[問題] Rank images
版主: 版主管理群
Download right here ... es/maison/
Sorry, non-english and bigger size that i've found only.
Otherwise, just plus english with rank6.gif. ... es/maison/
Sorry, non-english and bigger size that i've found only.
Otherwise, just plus english with rank6.gif.