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[報到]liteblue style

發表於 : 2002-11-05 16:35
hey guys!
I can't speak nor read chinese! Please pardon me for using English!
Do you guys know where i can download the liteblue style?
thank you very much!

發表於 : 2002-11-05 21:11
I think that is difficult to do that

發表於 : 2002-11-05 21:52
Hey conma2cang,
The liteBlue theme is made by one of this site admins/webmasters. Hence, it is not availabe to be downloaded from any other phpBB related web sites. However, since the author doesn't have any plan to release this theme to public(as what i know), I am sorry that you can't download it from here neither. (To admins: please correct me if I am wrong :oops: )

For an alternative way, I think you can create your own theme.(which is better for you! :-) ) Just play around with the subSilver and you will have idea how to create a new template or modify an existing one.

Hope my answer helps in some way :P

發表於 : 2002-11-05 23:43

I think you are right!!
I don't think and hear this style is going to be release to public, either; however, we are welcomed users study this style.
If you got any questions, we would like to answer and help you!!


發表於 : 2002-11-06 08:09
thx a lot guys!

發表於 : 2002-11-20 16:24

發表於 : 2002-11-21 00:30
Feel that's copied from "Appalachia".........
or that is "Appalachia v2"?....

發表於 : 2002-11-21 19:10
That theme really got some feel of liteBlue
There would be 80% likeness
if you just put on that orange Frame decoration
But your doing so may ruin the good chance of
learnig to create a totally brand new theme of your own
Think Twice Before Copying!