phpBB 2.0.20 released!!
發表於 : 2006-04-08 00:23
代碼: 選擇全部
Field 'topic_views' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_vote) VALUES ('test', 2, 1144428275, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Line : 226
File : functions_post.php
可否請完成更新的朋友們,試試看:在回覆私人訊息時使用「引言」功能、或在回覆文章時使用「引言」功能,會不會發生異常狀況?richer 寫:還是更新完成了
代碼: 選擇全部
Warning: preg_replace(): Empty regular expression in /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/privmsg.php on line 1669
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/privmsg.php:1669) in /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/includes/page_header.php on line 651
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/privmsg.php:1669) in /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/includes/page_header.php on line 653
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/privmsg.php:1669) in /home/doecoswa/public_html/share/includes/page_header.php on line 654
看了一下, 覺得更新了一些bug和功能, 而這些是 3.X將會做出更強烈的更新[Fix] Prevent login attempts from incrementing for inactive users
修正了那些 沒有通過認証的帳戶登入不成功的次數
[Fix] Do not check maximum login attempts on re-authentication to the admin panel - tomknight
這個有點不了解, 不過主要是把"最多attempt登入數"(後台)設定不需要通過重新確認....- -"
[Fix] Regenerate session keys on password change
當你改變了密碼, session keys就會自動刷新.....
[Fix] retrieving category rows in index.php (Bug #90)
[Fix] improved index performance by determining the permissions before iterating through all forums (Bug #91)
這個是一個修正, 如果你不允許某個人進入你的站, 現在2.0.20就修正了→從DB裡讀取後→以介定IP和會員資料→仍然不能進入論壇
[Fix] Better handling of short usernames within the search (bug #105)
之前有會員反應不能搜尋 自己的名稱→太短→兩個字→"we"
[Fix] Send a no-cache header on admin pages as well as normal board pages (Bug #149)
[Fix] Apply word censors to the message when quoting it (Bug #405)
這個修正, 樓上卻有人稱會不能用引言.....
[Fix] Improved performance of query in admin_groups (Bug #753)
[Fix] Workaround for an issue in either PHP or MSSQL resulting in a space being returned instead of an empty string (bug #830)
[Fix] Correct use of default_style config value (Bug #861)
好像 style select是其中一個嗎@@?
[Fix] Replace unneeded unset calls in admin_db_utilities.php - vanderaj
[Fix] Improved error handling in modcp.php
[Fix] Improved handling of forums to which the user does not have any explicit permissions - vanderaj
[Fix] Assorted fixes and cleanup of admin_ranks.php, now requires confirmation of deletions
新增在後台 "確認刪除等級"功能
[Fix] Assorted fixes and cleanup of admin_words.php, now requires confirmation of deletions
[Fix] Addition and editing of smilies can no longer be performed via GET, now requires confirmation of deletions
[Fix] Escape group names in admin_groups.php
離開群組的名稱會出現在 admin_groups.php....?
[Sec] Replace strip_tags with htmlspecialchars in private message subject
[Sec] Some changes to HTML handling if enabled
[Sec] Escape any special characters in reverse dns - Anthrax101
[Sec] Typecast poll id values - Anthrax101
[Sec] Added configurable search flood control to reduce the effect of DoS style attacks
這應該是保護search功能, 控制了 search→減低了對資料庫的損耗, →也減低了任何惡意性的seach攻擊吧?
[Sec] Changed the way we create "random" values for use as keys - chinchilla/Anthrax101
[Sec] Enabled Visual Confirmation by default
這也是3.X的新功能, 將外掛加了進去↑
[Change] Changed handling of the case where a selected style doesn't exist in the database
[Change] Changed handling of topic pruning to improve performance
[Change] Changed default forum permissions to only allow registered users to post in new forums
這個已經在 3.X裡出了, 不過提早讓大家試用吧?We have also introduced a new feature to allow you to limit how often a user may conduct a search if you find that searches are putting a load on your server, as well as changing the default permissions on new forums so that you must explicitly make them available for guests to post in and enabling visual confirmation by default on all new installs.
這個方法會有一些地方導致錯誤, 所以官方已經把這個更新檔案拿下來, 稍後明天會再放上去吧....It has come to my attention that the Code changes file (used for upgrading heavily MODded installs) which was available briefly this evening may contain some errors which could cause problems with upgrades via this method.
Until we can review this file completely and correct it where appropriate, I have removed this upgrade method from the available list. Once we have
reviewed it, it will be available from the usual location in the MOD Database again and on the download page.
The other downloads (Full package, Changed Files and Patch) are unaffected by this problem. It is only the file for heavily MODded installs which has been removed
因此,如果你仍然有其他的BUG發生(升級後), 請先回溯你的檔案回去2.0.19Code Changes
Contains step-by-step instructions in MOD format for updating heavily MODified installs
用官方下載就ok了...因為暫時....發文時間)不能下載(Mirrored) phpBB 2.0.20 :: 7th April 2006
代碼: 選擇全部
if ( !($privmsg = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
redirect(append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?folder=$folder", true));
$orig_word = $replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word);
$privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'];
$privmsg_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $privmsg_subject);
$to_username = $privmsg['username'];
$to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
if ( $mode == 'quote' )
代碼: 選擇全部
$privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'];
$to_username = $privmsg['username'];
$to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
代碼: 選擇全部
$orig_word = $replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word);
$privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'];
$privmsg_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $privmsg_subject);
$to_username = $privmsg['username'];
$to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
代碼: 選擇全部
$message = addslashes($message);
代碼: 選擇全部
$message = str_replace('"', '\\"', $message);
代碼: 選擇全部
// Autologin Keys - added 2.0.18
$lang['Allow_autologin'] = '允許自動登入';
$lang['Allow_autologin_explain'] = '您可以選擇是否讓會員在登入討論版時選擇自動登入.';
$lang['Autologin_time'] = '設定自動登入的有效時限';
$lang['Autologin_time_explain'] = '這個功能可以讓您設定使用者自動登入的有效日期,如果超過這段時間內都沒有登入的話,系統將取消使用者自動登入的功能. 設為 0 可以關閉此功能.'
代碼: 選擇全部
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
// Search Flood Control - added 2.0.20
$lang['Search_Flood_Interval'] = '搜尋機制';
$lang['Search_Flood_Interval_explain'] = '搜尋下一個目標的間隔時間 (秒)';
jwxinst 寫: 3. 關於樓上的引言錯誤
C3. 如果以上的方式仍然不能讓你的PM 引言的話: 請你打開privmsg.php
尋找:Replaced With:代碼: 選擇全部
$privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']; $to_username = $privmsg['username']; $to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
代碼: 選擇全部
$orig_word = $replacement_word = array(); obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word); $privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']; $privmsg_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $privmsg_subject); $to_username = $privmsg['username']; $to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
尋找:After, Add:代碼: 選擇全部
$message = addslashes($message);
代碼: 選擇全部
$message = str_replace('"', '\\"', $message);
代碼: 選擇全部
if ( !($privmsg = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
redirect(append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?folder=$folder", true));
$orig_word = $replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replace_word);
$privmsg_subject = ( ( !preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ) ? 'Re: ' : '' ) . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'];
$privmsg_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $privmsg_subject);
$to_username = $privmsg['username'];
$to_userid = $privmsg['user_id'];
if ( $mode == 'quote' )
那個只是修正了在私人訊息裡引言的問題jwxinst 寫:參考Mac大的修正
問題也解決了,不知道是哪次升級的時候 db 沒有完整更新到 (大概是上次吧?我站上 2.0.19 升級的紀錄還可以 post),用 phpBB 的 sql 重建 table,然後再把文章 import 進去就 ok 了。chiouss 寫:代碼: 選擇全部
Field 'topic_views' doesn't have a default value INSERT INTO phpbb_topics (topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, forum_id, topic_status, topic_type, topic_vote) VALUES ('test', 2, 1144428275, 1, 0, 0, 0) Line : 226 File : functions_post.php
針對您目前所使用的版本 系統強烈建議 您立即更新,因為已經釋出最新安全性修正版本了! 如果您要更新您的 phpBB 版本, 請造訪 phpBB 官方下載點 取得最新版的相關資訊,或是造訪竹貓星球 取得相關更新訊息.
目前最新釋出的版本為 phpBB 2.0.19 . 您目前使用的版本為 phpBB 2.0.20 .