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[轉貼] phpbb的官方說可以拿掉底部的版權宣告

發表於 : 2005-03-10 16:00

Since this question came up quite often in the last time, here some answers.

May I remove the copyright from the footer? 譯:我可以移除底部的版權嗎?
While the phpbb group would appreciate it, if you would let the copyright message stay, you actually may remove it. However you will not get any official support from the phpbb group or the support team. 譯:實際上可以,但你將不會從phpbb團隊獲得支援

May I edit the copyright message in the footer?
Yes, as long as you leave the "meaning" of it intact (who the copyright holders are,.....). In this case you are also entitled to receive official support from the phpbb group and the support team.

May I add my own copyright message?
Yes, provided that you do not merge your message with the official one in anyway. Nothing likeQuote:
© Copyright 2002 The phpBB Group,myself

May I remove the copyright from the source code? 譯:我可以從源碼移除版權嗎?
Simple answer, no 譯:簡單答案,不行

To quote some statements from the phpbb group
psoTFX wrote:
We'd prefer you to retain the full copyright message as displayed by the default board configuration. If you cannot do this (for good reason) we will be happy with just the "Powered by phpBB" notice (phpBB being linked to http://www.phpbb.com ). If you do not display even this (which includes moving the notice to a separate credits page) we will not be able to offer support (the same stance has been taken by most if not all other phpBB related sites).

AbelaJohnB wrote:
As has been stated previously, removal of the phpBB Copyright (from within the file: page_footer) is within your -full- right. However, you will get no official 'support' from the phpBB Community.

It is not infringment, as the GPL does -not- cover this. It does not, however, give anybody the right to remove the Copyright from the CORE-CODE. So, again, you may remove the Copyright from the footer-file, but you may not remove it from the core-code.

Thank you for your attention,

Re: [轉貼] phpbb的官方說可以拿掉底部的版權宣告

發表於 : 2005-03-10 16:23
fish206452 寫:轉貼:http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=8

Since this question came up quite often in the last time, here some answers.

May I remove the copyright from the footer? 譯:我可以移除底部的版權嗎?
While the phpbb group would appreciate it, if you would let the copyright message stay, you actually may remove it. However you will not get any official support from the phpbb group or the support team. 譯:實際上可以,但你將不會從phpbb團隊獲得支援

May I edit the copyright message in the footer?
Yes, as long as you leave the "meaning" of it intact (who the copyright holders are,.....). In this case you are also entitled to receive official support from the phpbb group and the support team.

May I add my own copyright message?
Yes, provided that you do not merge your message with the official one in anyway. Nothing likeQuote:
© Copyright 2002 The phpBB Group,myself

May I remove the copyright from the source code? 譯:我可以從源碼移除版權嗎?
Simple answer, no 譯:簡單答案,不行

To quote some statements from the phpbb group
psoTFX wrote:
We'd prefer you to retain the full copyright message as displayed by the default board configuration. If you cannot do this (for good reason) we will be happy with just the "Powered by phpBB" notice (phpBB being linked to http://www.phpbb.com ). If you do not display even this (which includes moving the notice to a separate credits page) we will not be able to offer support (the same stance has been taken by most if not all other phpBB related sites).

AbelaJohnB wrote:
As has been stated previously, removal of the phpBB Copyright (from within the file: page_footer) is within your -full- right. However, you will get no official 'support' from the phpBB Community.

It is not infringment, as the GPL does -not- cover this. It does not, however, give anybody the right to remove the Copyright from the CORE-CODE. So, again, you may remove the Copyright from the footer-file, but you may not remove it from the core-code.

Thank you for your attention,

發表於 : 2005-03-10 16:49

發表於 : 2005-09-23 10:22
請教 論壇的下面都有版權 要如何 刪除 更改 或添加呢\r
這是在那個檔裡面呢? 可否用記事本打開來修改??
請大大可以告知 謝謝您\r
小弟是新手 ^_^
我的msn 是 ntcpu@hotmail.com

發表於 : 2005-09-23 13:11
前面的【Powered by phpBB】不用拿掉了吧....

至於後面的【2001, 2005 phpBB Group】應該可以改成你自己.....
如果你灌了一堆 MOD、自製風格,整個 phpBB 就已經不再是純 phpBB 原版.....
但核心還是 phpBB,所以留著【Powered by phpBB】也沒啥不好啊....

發表於 : 2005-09-23 19:54

發表於 : 2005-10-14 17:36

發表於 : 2005-10-14 20:55
hdlineage 寫:因該是說如果拿掉了就不會獲得官方網站的支援\r


發表於 : 2005-10-15 08:41

發表於 : 2006-01-06 00:46
hdlineage 寫:不過留著看起來滿專業滿好看的^^撲~


發表於 : 2006-01-06 06:08
It is not infringment, as the GPL does -not- cover this. It does not, however, give anybody the right to remove the Copyright from the CORE-CODE. So, again, you may remove the Copyright from the footer-file, but you may not remove it from the core-code.

brentsu 寫:前面的【Powered by phpBB】不用拿掉了吧....

至於後面的【2001, 2005 phpBB Group】應該可以改成你自己.....
如果你灌了一堆 MOD、自製風格,整個 phpBB 就已經不再是純 phpBB 原版.....
但核心還是 phpBB,所以留著【Powered by phpBB】也沒啥不好啊....
基本上是可以, 後面的確改了也沒關係, phpBB官方也不會怎麼樣
As long as you keep 「Powered by phpBB」 , 你就夠用啦\r
但是, 問題反而是, 改了到底有啥用呢?
再想一想, 雖然說mods也灌了進去, 自製風格, 但是還不是basic on php語言嗎?這樣2001, 2005groups才是真正的發表這套php和phpbb語言~啊~
所以本人強烈建議: 改了就有點不太禮貌~

另外, 官方說過把code裡面的, 改了就是是完全諱法, 這個必需正視。
很多人, 像之前說過的0尋夢園, 都是把phpbb完全套入了自己的,
這改了, 就等於是侵權。
不是phpbb官方 / 任何一家官方支援站發表的phpbb, php mods, 都可以自己加上自己的copy right, 但是就是在竹貓mod頂部權宜改了自己的名字, 呵, 小心點~