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[外掛]MsgCan 2.1

發表於 : 2004-01-20 17:01

代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: MsgCan
## MOD Author: bu < buhip@yahoo.co.jp > (Buwei Chiu) http://kuloo.com
## MOD Description: This MOD can let you custom some messages for users,
##                  or users can custom theirselves messages.
## MOD Version: 2.1.0
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 3~5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: 6
##               posting.php
##               privmsg.php
##               includes/constants.php
##               language/lang_english/lang_admin.php
##               templates/subSilver/posting_body.tpl
##               templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl
## Included Files: 12
##               msgcan.php
##               mc_install.php
##               admin_msgcan.php
##               lang_msgcan.php
##               mc_index.tpl
##               mc_add.tpl
##               mc_edit.tpl
##               mc_delete.tpl
##               mc_option.tpl
##               mc_user.tpl
##               mc_custom.tpl
##               mc_list.tpl
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## Author Notes:
## MOD History:
##   2003-10-12 - Version 1.0.0
##      - Initial Release :)
##   2003-10-20 - Version 1.1.0
##      - Fix bug of privmsg.php, some codes were re-writen from 1.0.0
##   2003-11-01 - Version 2.0.0
##      - Fully re-write from 1.1.x. Add database support.
##   2004-01-20 - Version 2.1.0
##      - Also re-write from 2.0.0 to keep faster,and user can custom message.
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
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## Language for MsgCan 2.1 [TC] by bu 2004.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br />Message Can 2.1 © 2004 bu.<br /><br><a href=\"admin_msgcan.php?sid={sid}\" target=\"_self\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_Name']="MsgCan 2.1";
$MC['MC_Explain']="在這裡,您可以增加/刪除/更改 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_ADD']="加入新的 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_Error']="有問題喔!<br>可能是 SQL 的問題或是您的資料不完全";
$MC['MC_ADD_DESC']="新增 MsgCan Pack 給您的會員使用";
$MC['MC_ADD_TITLE_EXPLAIN']="這個新 Pack 的名稱";
$MC['MC_ADD_TITLE']="Pack 名稱";
$MC['MC_ADD_TEXT']="Pack 內容";
$MC['MC_ADD_TEXT_EXPLAIN']="這個新 Pack 的內容";
$MC['MC_ADD_OK']="MsgCan Pack 新增完成<br /><br /><a href=\"admin_msgcan.php?sid={sid}\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_DEL_OK']="MsgCan Pack 刪除完成<br><br /><a href=\"admin_msgcan.php?sid={sid}\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_CUSTOM_OK']="您自已的 MsgCan Pack 更新完成<br><br /><a href=\"msgcan.php?sid={sid}\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_DEL']="刪除 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_DEL_DESC']="在這裡,您可以刪除 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_OPTION']="MsgCan 設定";
$MC['MC_USER_LIST']="MsgCan Pack 列表";
$MC['MC_USER_CUSTOM']="自定 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_USER']="MsgCan 使用者功能";
$MC['MC_OPTION_DESC']="在這裡,您可以修改 MsgCan 2.1 的設定";
$MC['MC_OPTION_COLOR']="MsgCan 在文章中的顏色";
$MC['MC_OPTION_OK']="MsgCan 設定更新完成<br><br /><a href=\"admin_msgcan.php?sid={sid}&mode=option\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_CUSTOM_DISABLE']="抱歉,系統管理員並沒有開放給會員自定 MsgCan Pack <br><br /><a href=\"msgcan.php\">返回</a>";
$MC['MC_EDIT_EDIT']="更改 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_EDIT_EDIT_Explain']="在這裡,您可以更改 MsgCan Pack";
$MC['MC_EDIT_OK']="MsgCan 更改完成<br><br /><a href=\"admin_msgcan.php?sid={sid}\">返回</a>";

$MC['MCP_UPDATE_STATUS'] = '轉換狀態';
$MC['WELCOME_UPDATE'] = '歡迎使用<br>MsgCan 1.xx to MsgCan 2.1 的轉換程式';
$MC['INSTALL_BEGIN'] = '開始轉換';
$MC['install_ok'] = '順利轉換';
$MC['install_s**t'] = '轉換失敗';
$MC['MC_UPDATE_BEGIN'] = 'MsgCan Pack 轉換';
$MC['NOT_AUTH'] = '沒有權限執行..';
$MC['MC_UPDATE_COPYRIGHT'] = '<a href="http://oafwork.twbbs.org/letstalk/">Made by Martinet Oaf</a>';