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版主: 版主管理群

文章: 73
註冊時間: 2003-07-24 16:56


文章 ernie »

之前由godbless君提出的,這裡有新版本囉 :-D

代碼: 選擇全部

## Mod Title:   Admin Topic Shadow Manager
## Mod Version: 2.13
## Author:       Nivisec < support@nivisec.com > - (Billy Sauls)http://www.nivisec.com
##  Get Tech
## Support At:   http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums/
## Description:  Admin Control Panel Plug-in to let you view all
##               shadow topic links, some info about them, and
##               optionally remove any or all.  You can also
##               delete any before a certain date as well.
## Installation Level:  easy
## Installation Time:   1 Minute
## Author Note:
## Once the files are installed to use it just look in your
## admin panel under Nivisec.com section to the left.  You
## should now see one titled Topic Shadow.
## To upgrade any previous version, simply over-write the files that
## you already had in those directories.
download here: http://www.nivisec.com/phpbb.php?l=p&fi=2


以下附上拙作「可以用的」中文語系檔,看不過就自己翻一下吧 :mrgreen:
* $RCSfile: lang_admin_topic_shadow.php,v $
* -------------------
* copyright : (C) 2002-2003 Nivisec.com
* email : support@nivisec.com
* $Id: lang_admin_topic_shadow.php,v 1.3 2003/06/26 00:16:32 nivisec Exp $

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.

/* If you are translating this, please e-mail a copy to me! */
/* admin@nivisec.com is fine to use */

/* General */
$lang['Del_Before_Date'] = '已刪除此日期以前的影子主題: %s<br />'; // %s = insertion of date
$lang['Deleted_Topic'] = '已刪除的影子主題 %s<br />'; // %s = topic name
$lang['Affected_Rows'] = '%d 個影子主題已受影響<br />'; // %d = affected rows (not avail with all databases!)
$lang['Delete_From_Date'] = '在此輸入的日期之前的影子主題將會被移除。';
$lang['Delete_Before_Date_Button'] = '此日期之前全部刪除';
$lang['No_Shadow_Topics'] = '沒有發現影子主題。';
$lang['Topic_Shadow'] = '影子主題';
$lang['TS_Desc'] = '允許只刪除影子主題,而不影響到移動後的文章。影子主題是在當你移動一個主題並且在在舊的版面上留下被移動的主題時留下的。';
$lang['Month'] = '月份';
$lang['Day'] = '日期';
$lang['Year'] = '年份';
$lang['Clear'] = '重設'; //原文是Clear,但是順應語言習慣改成重設\r
$lang['Resync_Ran_On'] = '在 %s 執行<br />'; // %s = insertion of forum name
$lang['All_Forums'] = '所有的版面';
$lang['Version'] = '版本';

$lang['Title'] = '標題';
$lang['Moved_To'] = '新位置';
$lang['Moved_From'] = '原位置';
$lang['Delete'] = '刪除';

/* Modes */
$lang['topic_time'] = '主題時間';
$lang['topic_title'] = '主題標題';

/* Errors */
$lang['Error_Month'] = '您輸入的月份必須在 1 到 12 之間';
$lang['Error_Day'] = '您輸入的日期必須在 1 到 31 之間';
$lang['Error_Year'] = '您輸入的年份必須在 1970 到 2038 之間';
$lang['Error_Topics_Table'] = '存取文章表格錯誤!';

//Special Cases, Do not change for another language
$lang['ASC'] = $lang['Sort_Ascending'];
$lang['DESC'] = $lang['Sort_Descending'];
$lang['Nivisec_Com'] = 'Nivisec.com';

