[外掛]JUNIOR ADMIN 2.0.5

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版主: 版主管理群

文章: 642
註冊時間: 2003-04-16 20:53
來自: 牛牛農場

[外掛]JUNIOR ADMIN 2.0.5

文章 william91 »


代碼: 選擇全部

##                       JUNIOR ADMIN                         ##
##                           2.0.5                            ##
##   Description:  This will allow you to define
##                 any and all users you'd like to
##                 have access to whatever admin
##                 modules you'd like.  
##   Compatibility:   phpBB - 2.0.4 - 2.0.6
##                    php   - 4.0.1 or above
**   Author:       Nivisec (support@nivisec.com)              **
**                 http://www.nivisec.com                     **
**                                                            **
**   Language                                                 **
**   Files At:     http://www.nivisec.com/phpbb.php?l=la      **
##   Installation Level: Fairly Easy
##   Installation Time:  8-15 minutes
##   Author Notes:
##     Once installed, you will have a new admin panel
##     option called "Junior Admin" under the "User Admin"
##     area.
##     You should install my Color Groups mod to have
##     Junior Admin take advantage of it fully.  It is
##     not required however.
##   Support:    http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums 
##   Copyright:  ?002-2003 Nivisec.com

lang_jr_admin.php 中文版:

代碼: 選擇全部

*                         admin_panel_nivisec.php
*                            -------------------
*   begin                : Friday, June 07, 2002
*   copyright            : (C) 2002 Nivisec.com
*   email                : admin@nivisec.com
*   $Id: lang_jr_admin.php,v 1.4 2003/08/15 02:09:36 nivisec Exp $
$lang['None'] = '沒有';
$lang['Allow_Access'] = '允許進入';

$lang['Jr_Admin'] = '副系統管理員';
$lang['Options'] = '選項';
$lang['Example'] = '例子';
$lang['Version'] = '版本';
$lang['Add_Arrow'] = '增加 ->';
$lang['Super_Mod'] = '總版面管理員';
$lang['Update'] = '更新';
$lang['Module_Info'] = '權限資訊';
$lang['Module_Count'] = '權限計算';
$lang['Modules_Owned'] = '(%d 個權限)';
$lang['Updated_Permissions'] = '更新使用者權限<br>';
$lang['Color_Group'] = '顏色群組';
$lang['Users_with_Access'] = '使用者有權限';
$lang['Users_without_Access'] = '使用者沒有權限';
$lang['Check_All'] = '選擇/取消選擇 所有';
$lang['Cat_Check_All'] = '類別:選擇/取消選擇 所有';
$lang['Edit_Permissions'] = '編輯使用者權限';
$lang['View_Profile'] = '觀看使用者個人資料';
$lang['Edit_User_Details'] = '編輯使用者的明細';
$lang['Notes'] = '備註';
$lang['Allow_View'] = '允許使用者觀看';
$lang['Start_Date'] = '權限首次啟用在';
$lang['Update_Date'] = '權限最後更新在';
$lang['Edit_Modules'] = '編輯權限';
$lang['Color_Group'] = '顏色群組';
$lang['Rank'] = '等級';
$lang['Allow_PM'] = '允許私人信息';
$lang['Allow_Avatar'] = '允許頭像';
$lang['User_Active'] = '使用者已啟動';
$lang['User_Info'] = '使用者資訊';
$lang['User_Stats'] = '使用者狀態';
$lang['Junior_Admin_Info'] = '你的副系統管理員資訊';
$lang['Admin_Notes'] = '系統管理員備註';

$lang['Levels_Page_Desc'] = '這頁允許你設定權限。請在列表上選擇一個使用者名稱。每一個列表上的使用者名稱 <b>必須</b> 由 "," 分隔!';
$lang['Permissions_Page_Desc'] = '這頁允許你編輯權限列表。<br>你可以按每一個表格的最上去更改排序方法。';

$lang['Error_Users_Table'] = '讀入使用者資料表時發生錯誤';
$lang['Error_Module_Table'] = '讀入副系統管理員權限設定資料表時發生錯誤';
$lang['Error_Module_ID'] = '要求的權限並未存在或你不是一個已獲授權的使用者。';
$lang['Disabled_Color_Groups'] = '找不到群組顏色外掛,無法指定一個顏色群組。';
$lang['Admin_Note'] = '注意: 這個使用者已經是一個系統管理員,所有對這個使用者的更改不會執行。';
$lang['No_Special_Ranks'] = '沒有設定特別等級。';

//This is the bookmark ASCII search list!  If you have odd usernames, you should add your own ASCII search numbers.
//It uses a special format.
// Smaller-case letters are ignored also.  Don't bother listing them as everything is converted to upper case for eval.
// It searches and prepares the bookmark heading IN THE ORDER you have it below.  It will not sort lowest to highest.
// Item-Item2 will search the code from item to item2 AND give each their own bookmark heading (ex. A-Z)
// Item&Item2 will search the code from item to item2 BUT NOT give each their own heading, they will appear like 1-9
// You can add single entries, ie 67
// Seperate entry areas by a ,
$lang['ASCII_Search_Codes'] = '48&57, 65-90';

// Don't change these unless you need to
$lang['ASC_Image'] = 'images/asc_order.png';
$lang['DESC_Image'] = 'images/desc_order.png';

翻得不太好 :oops:

還有....我裝完後....Junior admin 進入管理台時...出現"您未授權進入系統管理控制台"
