[外掛][推薦]mini calendar

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[外掛][推薦]mini calendar

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## EasyMod 0.0.7 compliant
## MOD Title: Mini Cal 
## MOD Author: netclectic < adrian@netclectic.com > (Adrian Cockburn) http://www.netclectic.com 
## MOD Description: Provides a mini calendar on your forum index page. Includes the ability to search for
##                  for all posts or events on any day just by clicking on the date.
##                  Integrates with MyCalendar mod: shows a list of upcoming events, adds a quick link
##                  for posting new events in any event enabled forums.
##                  Integrates with Birthdays mod: shows a list of upcoming birthdays.
## MOD Version: 1.1.8
\n## Installation Level: easy
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes 
## Files To Edit:  (3) index.php, index_body.tpl search.php
## Included Files: (5) calendarSuite.php, mini_cal.php, mini_cal_body.tpl,
##                     mini_cal_config.php, lang_main_mini_cal.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/downloads/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/downloads/ 
## Author Notes: 
##      This mod was designed to compliment the MyCalendar mod...
##          http://mojavelinux.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11
##      and was tested against Versions 2.2.2 & 2.2.6 & 2.2.7
##      and MyCalendar Plus 0.8 
##      You can define whether you are using MyCalendar (STANDARD, PLUS or NONE) 
##      in mini_cal_config.php by changing the value assigned to MINI_CAL_MYCAL_VERSION
##      To enable search for events instead of the default search for posts just change the 
##      value assigned to MINI_CAL_DATE_SEARCH in mini_cal_config.php to 'EVENTS'
##      Also integrates with the Birthday mod - http://mods.db9.dk/viewforum.php?f=2
## MOD History: 
##      1.1.8    :    Fixed problem with ALL forums showing in the event forums selection box when not using mycal+.
##                    Added option in mini_cal_config for using the mycalendar left / right images - MINI_CAL_USE_IMAGES
##                    Renamed install file to mini_cal_install.txt after lots of "where's the install?" questions.
##      1.1.7    :    Fixed problem with date format when using alternate First Day Of Week.
##      1.1.6    :    Added support for MyCalendar Plus
##      1.1.5    :    Remove some unnessecary date formatting from search.php
##                    Fix problem with timezones in EVENTS mode
##                    Added index.html files to avoid directory browsing.
##      1.1.4    :    Added EVENTS search functionality
##                    Fixed problem with the month displayed not using the correct timezone
##                    Change MINI_CAL_DAYS_AHEAD to default to zero = unlimited
##                    Removed extra info from drop down list if only one events forum.
##      1.1.3    :    Minor fix (missing bracket) in mini_cal.php
##      1.1.2    :    Added a 'number of days ahead' limit for upcoming events.
##      1.1.1    :    Reorgansation of file locations, added drop down list of events forums,
##                    added support for birthday mod
##      1.1.0    :    Updated for 2.0.4, also added support for extra events date formats
##      1.0.5b,c :    Minor bug fixes to mini_cal.php
##      1.0.5    :    Added a First day of the week constant and a limit constant to limit the number of events shown.
##      1.0.4    :    Added search by date functionality. No longer requires MyCalendar
##      1.0.3    :    Added some missing commas, made Easymod Compliant.
##      1.0.2    :    Update to user new mod template.
##      1.0.1    :    Moved all mini_cal stuff into new files to minimize changes to core phpBB files.
##      1.0.0    :    Original Release.
##      Upgrade Path
##          1.1.7  -> 1.1.8 : Replace mini_cal.php
##                            Replace mini_cal_config.php
##          1.1.6  -> 1.1.7 : Replace mini_cal.php
##          1.1.5  -> 1.1.6 : Replace mini_cal.php and mini_cal_config.php
##          1.1.4  -> 1.1.5 : Replace files in mini_cal directory
##                            Re-Do marked changes in search.php
##                            Upload index.html files
##          1.1.2+ -> 1.1.4 : Replace mini_cal.php
##                            Replace mini_cal_config.php
##                            Re-Do changes to search.php (only required if you want to use the Events Search functionality)
##      Known Issues
##          MyCalendar functions are MySQL specific - this is a limitation of the MyCalendar mod

Description : Provides a mini calendar on your forum index page.

Installation Level: easy

Installation Time: 5 Minutes

Also integrates with the Birthday mod -downloads

support: http://www.netclectic.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=243

downloads Mini Cal :downloads
