[外掛] Statistics Mod Version 3

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文章: 2590
註冊時間: 2003-02-02 02:28
來自: MacphpBBMOD

[外掛] Statistics Mod Version 3

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## Mod Title:    Statistics Mod 站內統計
## Mod Version:  3.0.0 (Third Beta Release -> BETA 3)
## Mod Author: Acyd Burn < acyd.burn@gmx.de > - Meik Sievertsen ( http://www.opentools.de/board )
## 中文化作者: Mac < ycl_6@sinamail.com >
## Mod Description:
##	The Statistics Mod is a complete statistics core for your phpBB 2 board.
##	It is Module driven, every Module is one Statistic.
## Installation Level:  easy
## Installation Time:   5-10 Minutes
## Files To Edit:       0
##			templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl (if you are editing your header)
## Included Files:      several. Please have a look at the Installation Instructions.
## Author Note:
## After you have installed the Mod, you should see new configuration
## settings within your admin panel.
## Play around with them.
## To access the statistics page, you simply open statistics.php
## after it is uploaded. You may also optionally install the
## extra icon link as instructed below.
## Not included within this BETA but planned (so please do not ask about this):
##	- import partial Language Files and Variables
##	- edit module source within the Administration Panel
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
##	V3.0.0 - BETA 3
##		- added a new Module (statistics overview)
##		- partly finished the Language Control Panel
##		- fixed a bunch of bugs
##		- decreased generation times (only noticable for some of you)

# Here starts the Installation, follow the steps very close.

# Copy/Upload all files to their respective Location (the directory structure is in the folder root)
# [b]把所有以下檔案上傳至正確的目錄[/b]

# root/statistics.php						-> statistics.php
# root/admin/admin_edit_module.php				-> admin/admin_edit_module.php
# root/admin/admin_statistics.php				-> admin/admin_statistics.php
# root/admin/admin_stats_config.php				-> admin/admin_stats_config.php
# root/admin/admin_stats_lang.php				-> admin/admin_stats_lang.php
# root/admin/download_lang.php					-> admin/download_lang.php
# root/admin/import_lang.php					-> admin/import_lang.php
# root/language/lang_english/lang_admin_statistics.php		-> language/lang_english/lang_admin_statistics.php
# root/language/lang_english/lang_statistics.php		-> language/lang_english/lang_statistics.php
# root/modules/.htaccess					-> modules/.htaccess
# root/stats_mod/core.php					-> stats_mod/core.php
# root/stats_mod/db_cache.php					-> stats_mod/db_cache.php
# root/stats_mod/functions.php					-> stats_mod/functions.php
# root/stats_mod/content/bars.php				-> stats_mod/content/bars.php
# root/stats_mod/content/statistical.php			-> stats_mod/content/statistical.php
# root/stats_mod/content/values.php				-> stats_mod/content/values.php
# root/stats_mod/includes/admin_functions.php			-> stats_mod/includes/admin_functions.php
# root/stats_mod/includes/constants.php				-> stats_mod/includes/constants.php
# root/stats_mod/includes/lang_functions.php			-> stats_mod/includes/lang_functions.php
# root/stats_mod/includes/stat_functions.php			-> stats_mod/includes/stat_functions.php
# root/stats_mod/includes/template.php				-> stats_mod/includes/template.php
# root/templates/subSilver/statistics.tpl			-> templates/subSilver/statistics.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_admin_lang.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_admin_lang.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_config_body.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_config_body.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_edit_lang.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_edit_lang.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_edit_module.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_edit_module.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_import_language.tpl	-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_import_language.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_install_module.tpl	-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_install_module.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_manage_body.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_manage_body.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/admin/stat_select_module.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/admin/stat_select_module.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_bars.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_bars.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_statistical.tpl	-> templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_statistical.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_values.tpl		-> templates/subSilver/stats_mod/content_values.tpl
# root/templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_statistics.png	-> templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_statistics.png
# Within the root/additional_modules folder you will find additional Modules.
# [b]在 root/additional_modules 中你可以找到額外的模組供您安裝[/b]

# Prepare the Modules Folder
# In order to install the Statistics Mod and for full operation, you have to chmod the modules directory to 777.
# [b]把模組目錄夾的權限 chmod 改成 777[/b]

# Installing the Statistics Mod (DATABASE):
# Upload the complete root/install Folder to your phpBB2 Root Directory: 
#	root/install/*			-> install/*
# [b]把 /install 資料夾上傳至 root[/b]
# Now we want to create the tables, therefore we run install_statistics.php (http://www.yoursite.com/phpBB2/install/install_statistics.php)
# [b]執行 install_statistics.php[/b] 
# Please be sure to enter the correct URL, the install_statistics.php file has to be placed within the install folder.
# Contact me if you have questions or problems.

# Some basics:
# How to install Modules without uploading the .pak file ?
# Create a folder with the name pakfiles under your modules directory (modules/pakfiles) and upload the .pak file to this
# directory. Now you are able to select it from the Install Module Screen.
# [b]在模組的資料夾下新增一個名為 pakfiles 的目錄夾(例如 modules/pakfiles)[/b]
# [b]把 *.pak 檔全部上傳到裡面,照樣子你就可以在控制台中選擇安裝這一些模組了[/b]
下載: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=71914
中文化: http://www.opentools.de/board/show_modules.php
尋找 Tradition Chinese language for Statistics Mod Version 3 BETA 3 and all Modules Translation

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