[分享]加速 phpBB 速度的 Mod

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文章: 9
註冊時間: 2002-09-07 19:19

[分享]加速 phpBB 速度的 Mod

文章 yang3 »

這個 Mod 已經出 1.01 stable 了...

目前使用上都很正常,非常令人滿意 :-D

首頁平均花 0.36 秒多執行 , 共有 16 項 資料被查詢 , GZIP 壓縮開啟

註:發現了一個 bug 在最下面,解決方法也在最下面。

搜尋過了....沒有找到發表過這個 Mod

(如果你覺得不快,那是因為我的系統太 low level 了.... :lol: )

然後覆蓋一個檔案 (當然建議你最好是先備份囉...)
最後再建一個 cache 目錄...權限改為 777
就 ok 囉....

注意:如果你在控制台的 eXtreme Styles 基本組態 最上方看到下面這些文字
那就是你的 cache 目錄設定有錯誤
Warning: cache cannot be written.

Check if you have created directory where cache is stored and changed access mode (chmod) to 777 so script could write cache there. If your server is running in safe mode you might consider using "." as filename separator so all cache would be written in same directory (see separator setting below).

那就去檢查一下路徑及目錄權限有沒有設定好囉... :D

Mod 介紹及檔案下載:
eXtreme Styles mod - v1.01

代碼: 選擇全部

## Mod Title: eXtreme Styles mod
## Mod Version: 1.01
## Author: Vjacheslav Trushkin <slava@trushkin.net> (aka CyberAlien)
## Description: 
##		This mod is heavily optimized version of phpBB templates system
##		and has some additional features. It compiles and executes
##		files much faster, has cache system that speeds up templates
##		many times, allowes to use php in templates and few other new
##		features to style designers.
## Features:
##		- Fast templates compilation algorythm
##		- Fast templates execution (even if not cached)
##		- Cache system that doesn't use database
##		- Auto-check errors in templates while compiling
##		- Almost all features of this mod can be configured in acp
##		- PHP code in templates. PHP code should start with
##		  <?php or <!-- PHP --> and end with ?> or <!-- ENDPHP -->
##		  Short tags are not allowed. See manual for examples of code.
##		- Unlimited <!-- BEGIN blah --><!-- END blah --> switches in one line.
##		- Include other tpl files with <!-- INCLUDE file.tpl -->
##		- You can configure separate .tpl files for usual template.php
##		  and eXtreme Styles template.php. It can be configured in xs.cfg
##		  (like jumpbox.tpl for usual phpbb and jumpbox_xs.tpl for xs mod
##		  that is included with this mod)
##		- Variable {LANG} that corresponds to current language. Can be
##		  used to create truly multi-lingual templates (you can use this
##		  in urls: "images/lang_{LANG}/icon_blah.gif").
##		- Variable {PHP} that corresponds to file extension with session
##		  data. Can be used to avoid modding when you need to add some
##		  url (like "somescript.{PHP}" or "script.{PHP}test=1")
##		  Variable contains "?" or "&" at the end so you could easily
##		  add arguments to url.
##		- Variable {TEMPLATE} that corresponds to current template
##		  directory (like "templates/subSilver/"). Can be used to avoid
##		  filenames case confusion and to fix phpBB path error when
##		  confirm_body.tpl and message_body.tpl are used in acp.
##		- In admin control panel you can switch all users from one style
##		  to another and easily change default style.
## Installation Level:	easy
## Installation Time:	1-2 Minutes
## Files To Upload (10): admin/admin_xs_config.php,
##			admin/admin_xs_styles.php,
##			admin/admin_xs_update.php,
##			lanugage/lang_english/lang_xs.php,
##			templates/subSilver/jumpbox_xs.tpl,
##			templates/subSilver/xs.cfg,
##			templates/subSilver/admin/xs_config_body.tpl,
##			templates/subSilver/admin/xs_styles_body.tpl,
##			templates/subSilver/admin/xs_update_body.tpl,
##			templates/subSilver/admin/xs_update_body2.tpl
## Files To Overwrite (1):	includes/template.php
## Latest version of this mod can be found at this url:
## http://www.trushkin.net/phpbbmods.php?mod=xs
## Additional documentation for this mod can be found at this url:
## http://www.trushkin.net/manual.php?cat=xs
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
會和 php bbcode mod 相衝....
因為 php bbcode 中有用到陣列值' [ p h p ] < ? p h p \ n ' , ' \ n ? > [ / p h p ] '

解決的辦法是在 posting_body.tpl 中加了幾個反斜線脫逸 < 及 ?
就是改成 ' [ p h p ] \< \? p h p \ n ' , ' \ n \? \> [ / p h p ] '
最後由 yang3 於 2003-05-27 10:04 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。
~證嚴法師 靜思語~

