[分享]Codecrush IP Log v0.2.6
發表於 : 2003-03-04 17:13
它可以在後台把來訪的會員IP紀錄顯示出來,跟小竹子殿下™發表的<Codecrush IP log mod>很相近,功能有比較強一點!只可惜是英文介面,很多地方我自己也看不懂,不知道有沒有熱心的翻譯官幫忙翻譯?
代碼: 選擇全部
## Mod Title: Codecrush IP Log
## Mod Version: 0.2.6
## Author: Kristoffer Tjaernaas < dar@swirve.com > - www.codecrush.com
## Description:
## This is a simple IP logger, that will log the IP of anyone browsing
## to your phpbb forums.
## I created it cause I couldn't find any other IP-tracking utility within
## phpbb besides the poster_ip. I wanted to keep a log of all visitors
## not just posters. I tried another IP-mod I found, but it didn't fit my
## needs. And so I created this.
## If there's any requests for further development of this simple mod,
## visit www.codecrush.com and request it ;)
## Installation Level: moderate
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: sessions.php, functions.php, constants.php
## Included Files: admin_ip_log.php, ip_log_body.tpl, csv_ip_log.php, lang_ccip.php, cc_mod.php,
## admin_config_ip_log.php, ip_log_config_body.tpl, admin_ip_log_bat.php, ip_log_bat.tpl
## Security Disclaimer: This MOD Cannot Be Posted To Or Added At Any Non-Official phpBB Sites
## Author Note:
## You should know how to add a table to your database if you wanna use this mod.
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
#-----[ ADD/CREATE DATABASE TABLE ENTRY ]------------------------------------------
# Assuming your table-prefix is "phpbb_" (see your config-php)
INSERT INTO phpbb_config( config_name, config_value ) VALUES ("cc_logs_per_page","100");
INSERT INTO phpbb_config( config_name, config_value ) VALUES ("cc_log_on","1");
INSERT INTO phpbb_config( config_name, config_value ) VALUES ("cc_log_stats_on","1");
CREATE TABLE cc_ip_log( log_nr INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL primary key auto_increment, logged TIMESTAMP(14), username VARCHAR(25), user_ip VARCHAR(8), browser VARCHAR(64) );
#-----[ COPY FILES ]------------------------------------------
# Copy these files in place (where subXXX is subSilver or whatever templates you're using.):
admin_ip_log.php -> admin/admin_ip_log.php
csv_ip_log.php -> admin/csv_ip_log.php
admin_config_ip_log.php -> admin/admin_config_ip_log.php
ip_log_body.tpl -> templates/subXXX/admin/ip_log_body.tpl
ip_log_config_body.tpl ->templates/subXXX/admin/ip_log_config_body.tpl
admin_ip_log_bat.php -> admin/admin_ip_log_bat.php
ip_log_bat.tpl -> templates/subXXX/admin/ip_log_bat.tpl
lang_ccip.php -> language/lang_english/lang_ccip.php
cc_mod.php -> includes/cc_mod.php
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// Initial ban check against user id, IP and email address
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// CC IP-mod ($user_ip is created in common.php)
global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/cc_mod.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
function decode_ip($int_ip)
$hexipbang = explode('.', chunk_split($int_ip, 2, '.'));
return hexdec($hexipbang[0]). '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[1]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[2]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[3]);
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// decode mysql-timestamps
function mysql_timestamp_to_timestamp($dt)
return mktime($hr,$mi,$se,$mo,$da,$yr);
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// Auth settings
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
define('PAGE_CSV', -23);
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM