[分享]Copy Post to Clipboard +原創

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版主: 版主管理群

文章: 49
註冊時間: 2002-09-27 16:41

[分享]Copy Post to Clipboard +原創

文章 Rickycheng »

found in phpbbhacks.com

代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: Copy Post to Clipboard (never let the site eat a post) 
## MOD Author: cdkrg  < cdkrg@fluencynow.com > www.able2know.com 
## MOD Description: Ever have users complain that your forum "ate" their long post? 
## This MOD adds a button on the posting page that highlights all 
## the text of the post and copies it to the clipboard. If the browser is not compatible 
## it displays a different button that simply selects all the text allowing the user 
## to copy it more simply. You can see a working example of this at www.able2know.com/forums/ 
## on those forums there are two forums that allow you to post as a guest (since you are too lazy to register!) 
## those forums are the test forum and the forum help. Please don't post junk posts, you can 
## see this in action without submitting your post 
## MOD Version: 1.0.0 
## Installation Level: (easy) 
## Installation Time: 1 Minute 
## Files To Edit: posting_body.tpl 
## Included Files: n/a 
## Author Notes: 
## This is a simple MOD that has a powerful feature. I don't expect there to be any 
## updates or newer versions as it runs perfectly in the first version with no bugs and certainly 
## no security holes. If you have installed other MODs like spellcheck you might not want to 
## add the extra row from this MOD and simply add the javascript to the row you have already 
## created. This is optional and a layout issue. If you like this MOD or have questions about 
## it please join my forum at www.able2know.com I can be contacted there. 
## You might want to edit the alert message. It contains the URL of the site that I made this for. 
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
## MOD GLOSSARY The following are definitions for actions 
## that might be included in this MOD, this MOD might not contain some of the terms defined below. 
## COPY- Copy files to a location on the server 
## OPEN - Open a specific file. 
## FIND - Find a piece of code within the opened file 
## REPLACE WITH - Replace a piece of code (whatever we "FIND") with this code 
## OR - Replace With the above "REPLACE WITH"... OR... this code 
## AFTER, ADD - After a piece of code, add this piece of code 
## BEFORE, ADD - Before a piece of code, add this piece of code 
## IN-LINE FIND - Find a piece of code within a code line 
## IN-LINE AFTER, ADD - After a piece of code in a code line, add this piece of code 
## IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD - Before a piece of code in a code line, add this piece of code 

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 

<!-- END privmsg_extensions --> 

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 
function highlightmetasearch() { 
document.post.message.select(); document.post.message.focus(); 
function copymetasearch() { 
textRange = document.post.message.createTextRange(); 
alert("This post has been copied to your clipboard.
If this post is lost when you submit it you can easily repost it.
Always use this feature before posting! - 
// --> 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
      <td colspan="9"> 
          <span class="smalltext"> 
    <textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="35" wrap="virtual" style="width:450px" tabindex="3" class="post" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">{MESSAGE}</textarea> 
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

<tr><td colspan="9" align="right"> 
     <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
if ((navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)) { 
document.write('<INPUT type="button" class="button" value="COPY TO CLIPBOARD" onClick="copymetasearch();">'); 
} else { 
document.write('<INPUT type="button" class="button" value="HIGHLIGHT TEXT" onClick="highlightmetasearch();">'); 
// --> 

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM 

代碼: 選擇全部

# if you use Advanced_Quick_Reply_Hack
# must edit 1 file more to make this hack more nice
# this part Hacked by rickycheng
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 

<!-- END user_logged_in -->
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 
function highlightmetasearch() { 
document.post.message.select(); document.post.message.focus(); 
function copymetasearch() { 
textRange = document.post.message.createTextRange(); 
alert("This post has been copied to your clipboard.
If this post is lost when you submit it you can easily repost it.
Always use this feature before posting! - 
// --> 

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 
<input type='submit' name='post' class='mainoption' value='{L_SUBMIT}'>
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

<tr><td colspan="9" align="right"> 
     <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
if ((navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)) { 
document.write('<INPUT type="button" class="button" value="COPY TO CLIPBOARD" onClick="copymetasearch();">'); 
} else { 
document.write('<INPUT type="button" class="button" value="HIGHLIGHT TEXT" onClick="highlightmetasearch();">'); 
// --> 
#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM 


