[譯文][外掛]電玩大街 (中文化部分釋出2)幫忙翻譯

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[譯文][外掛]電玩大街 (中文化部分釋出2)幫忙翻譯

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// Admin
$lang['admin_main_header'] = '這個控制頁面可以幫你維護和控制電玩大街設定.<br />如果你對這個MOD有問題, 請連絡<a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a>, 我們將為你修復這個問題.';
$lang['admin_config_menu'] = '電玩大街設定選單';
$lang['admin_cat_menu'] = '電玩大街分類選單';
$lang['admin_cat_header'] = '這個控制頁面可以幫你維護分類你的線上遊戲.<br />如果你對這個MOD有問題, 請連絡 <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a>, 我們將為你修復這個問題.';
$lang['admin_tournament_header'] = '電玩大街錦標賽選單';
$lang['admin_tournament_info'] = '這個控制頁面可以幫你維護線上遊戲的錦標賽.<br />如果你對這個MOD有問題, 請連絡 <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a>, 我們將為你修復這個問題.';
$lang['admin_moderators_header'] = '電玩大街 Moderators 設定選單';
$lang['admin_moderators_info'] = '這個控制頁面 will allow you to set-up the moderators options for the catagories sections.<br />如果你對這個MOD有問題, 請連絡 <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a>, 我們將為你修復這個問題.';
$lang['admin_cat_saved'] = '分類存檔成功<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_deleted'] = '分類已刪除<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_not_deleted'] = '分類刪除取消<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_icon'] = '<b>圖示</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_icon_info'] = '分類圖檔路徑. 空白則不顯示圖案.';
$lang['admin_cat_name'] = '<b>分類名稱</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_name_info'] = '分類的名稱. 會顯示在圖案的後面做為分類的標題.';
$lang['admin_game_special'] = '<b>特別的遊戲</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_special_info'] = 'The Number of games required before special play is enabled. 0=OFF.';
$lang['admin_game_menu'] = '電玩大街遊戲選單';
$lang['admin_game_editor'] = '電玩大街遊戲編輯設定';
$lang['admin_game_import'] = '電玩大街遊戲匯入選單';
$lang['admin_editor_info'] = ' 這個控制頁面讓你設定遊戲資料. Any game that has been released by <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target="new_window">dEfEndEr</a>, Whoo or Alegis can easily be plugged into your forums and Highscores will be saved. If you would like to convert a game to use this control panel, then ask for help at our <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk/" target="new_window">forums</a>. If you are having trouble with this menu or the Arcade MOD then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank>www.free-game.co.uk</a>.';
$lang['admin_import_info'] = ' 這個控制頁面讓你匯入遊戲資料. 如果你對這個選單或MOD有問題, 請連絡 <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a>.';
$lang['admin_game_deleted'] = '遊戲已刪除<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_not_deleted'] = '遊戲無法刪除<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_repaired'] = '遊戲恢復<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_saved'] = '遊戲順利儲存<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_exists'] = '遊戲名稱已存在 - Not Saved<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_score_reset'] = '重新設置所有的分數<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_return_games'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 回到遊戲選單';
$lang['admin_return_arcade'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 回到基本配置選單';
$lang['admin_return_import'] = '點選 %s這裡%s 回到匯入選單';
$lang['admin_config_updated'] = '基本組態動作以線上更新<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_toggles'] = '支持元件';
$lang['admin_rewards'] = '系統獎勵元件';
$lang['admin_arcade_config'] = '電玩大街設定';
$lang['admin_use_adar_shop'] = '<b>使用 <a href="http://www.phpbb.com" target="newindow">Adar Item Shop</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_adar_info'] = ' If you want to reward Items for Highscore bonuses and you have the<br /> Adar ItemShop, then toggle this to <b>是</b>.<br /><br /> <b>注意 : </b>對其他的Shop不會發生作用.';
$lang['admin_use_gamelib'] = '<b>使用遊戲釋放Java程式庫</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_gl_info'] = ' If you are using a game/application that uses Scott Porter`s gamelib,<br /> then toggle this on.';
$lang['admin_use_points'] = '<b>使用積分系統</b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_pts_info'] = ' If you are using the Points System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br /> can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_use_cash'] = '<b>使用虛擬貨幣系統</b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_cash_info'] = ' If you are using the Cash System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br /> can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_use_allowance'] = '<b>使用零用錢系統</b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_allowance_info'] = ' If you are using the Allowance System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br /> can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_gl_game_path'] = '<b>遊戲釋放路徑</b><br />';
$lang['admin_gl_path_info'] = ' This is the directory located in your forums root directory where you wish<br /> to hold all of your games that use the gamelib.';
$lang['admin_gl_lib_path'] = '<b>Gamelib Javascript Library Path</b><br />';
$lang['admin_gl_lib_info'] = ' This Directory is located in your <b>Gamelib Games Path</b> and holds all<br /> of the gamelib*.js files.<br /><br /> <b>NOTE</b> : If your games are locking up or you don`t hear any<br /> sound then check this directory to make sure there are gamelib files<br /> in here.';
$lang['admin_games_per_page'] = '<b>每頁顯示遊戲數</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_per_info'] = ' 在電玩大街中每頁面顯示的遊戲個數, 當超過時就會分頁.<br /><br /> <b>注意</b> : 空白或填 <b>0</b> 會導至錯誤.';
$lang['admin_page'] = '每頁';
$lang['admin_game_id'] = '遊戲編號#';
$lang['admin_path'] = '路徑';
$lang['admin_adar_config'] = 'Adarian Shop 選單';
$lang['admin_adar_shop'] = '<b>Adar Shop</b><br />';
$lang['admin_no_adar_info'] = ' The Adarian Shop options 未安裝. Please install Adar before<br /> setting these options.';
$lang['admin_games'] = '遊戲';
$lang['admin_charge'] = '費用';
$lang['admin_button'] = '按鈕';
$lang['admin_description'] = '描述';
$lang['admin_reward'] = '獎勵';
$lang['admin_bonus'] = '獎金';
$lang['admin_at_bonus'] = 'AT 獎金';
$lang['admin_flash'] = 'Flash';
$lang['admin_score'] = '分數';
$lang['admin_gamelib'] = '遊戲釋放';
$lang['admin_action'] = '動作';
$lang['admin_move'] = '移動';
$lang['admin_repair'] = 'Repair Game Index';
$lang['admin_reset'] = 'Reset High Scores';
$lang['admin_at_reset'] = 'Reset ALL TIME Scores';
$lang['admin_up'] = '上';
$lang['admin_down'] = 'Dn';
$lang['admin_down_full'] = '下';
$lang['admin_delete'] = 'X';
$lang['admin_delete_full'] = '刪除';
$lang['admin_limit'] = 'Limit';
$lang['admin_at_limit'] = 'AT Limit';
$lang['admin_width'] = '寬度';
$lang['admin_height'] = '高度';
$lang['admin_cash'] = '金錢';
$lang['admin_name'] = '<b>遊戲名稱</b><br />';
$lang['admin_name_info'] = ' This is the name of the game you are installing. <br /><br /> <b>NOTE</b> : Keep the name of this game limited to one word with no<br /> spaces or unusual characters. Anything else will cause errors.';
$lang['admin_game_path'] = '<b>遊戲路徑</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_path_info'] = ' This is the path location of your game located within your forum root directory.';
$lang['admin_game_desc'] = '<b>描述</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_desc_info'] = ' This is the description of this game that is displayed on the arcade menu.';
$lang['admin_game_charge'] = '<b>遊戲費用</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_charge_info'] = '玩這個遊戲玩家所要支付的金幣.';
$lang['admin_game_per'] = '<b>每點報酬得分</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_per_info'] = '多少得分可以換取一個金幣<br /><br /> <b>例子</b> : 以100:1來說,如果一個玩家得到100積分那他就可以換取一個金幣.';
$lang['admin_game_bonus'] = '<b>最高分獎金</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_bonus_info'] = ' This is the amount of reward points to give a user if they obtain the highscore.';
$lang['admin_game_gamelib'] = '<b>使用遊戲釋放</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_gamelib_info'] = '如果這場遊戲使用遊戲釋放設定為是.';
$lang['admin_game_flash'] = '<b>使用 Macromedia Flash</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_flash_info'] = '如果這是 Flash 的遊戲,請選擇是.';
$lang['admin_game_show_score'] = '<b>顯示分數</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_show_info'] = ' Set this to yes if you wish to use scores for this arcade.';
$lang['admin_game_reverse'] = '<b>反向高分列表</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reverse_info'] = '如果你希望首先列舉最低的得分請選擇是.';
$lang['admin_game_highscore'] = '<b>最高分限制</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_highscore_info'] = ' This is how many scores you want listed for this game. Leave blank for all.';
$lang['admin_game_size'] = '<b>視窗大小</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_size_info'] = ' This is how big in pixels, the window will be when a game is started.';
$lang['instructions_info'] = '下面的指示中說明這遊戲要"怎樣玩"。支援 HTML 語法.<br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs'] = '<b>重設最高分</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs_info'] = ' 透過這個設定 <b>"Yes"</b>最高分將會重設.';
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs'] = '<b>重設全部時間的紀錄</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs_info'] = ' By setting this to <b>"Yes"</b> the ALL TIME Highscores will reset.';
$lang['admin_use_rewards'] = '<b>使用獎勵外掛</b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_rewards_info'] = ' If you have a rewards MOD installed [Points/Cash/Allowance]<br /> then turn this on to configure your rewards MOD.';
$lang['admin_cheat'] = '<b>使用作弊方式</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cheat_info'] = ' If turned on, Proxy <b>guests</b> & users logged out during a session, will NOT be able to save high scores.';
$lang['admin_warn_cheater'] = '<b>對作弊者提出警告</b><br />';
$lang['admin_warn_cheater_info'] = ' If turned on, then this will display a message to anyone who might get caught cheating.';
$lang['admin_cheater_warning'] = '<br />You have been reported to the site <b>Admin</b> as a possible cheater.<br /><br /> If you feel that you have not cheated in an online game, then please contact the site Admin.<br />';
$lang['admin_warn_admin'] = '<b>作弊回報</b><br />';
$lang['admin_warn_admin_info'] = ' 開啟時, 如果有人被抓到作弊, 管理員會收到 E-mail 通知.';
$lang['admin_cash_default_info'] = ' The Arcade MOD uses only 1 reward field. Please enter in a default user<br /> reward field for your users. [<b>Cash MOD Only</b>]';
$lang['admin_games_offline'] = '<b>設定電玩大街不連線</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_offline_info'] = ' This will show any uses who try and access the games an offline message';
$lang['admin_default_game_id'] = '<b>預設遊戲 ID 號碼 </b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_game_id_info'] = ' When Adding a game, use this game as a default. "0" = All fields empty.';
$lang['admin_cat'] = '<b>遊戲分區</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_info'] = 'The catagory that the game will be viewed under.';
$lang['admin_default_img'] = '<b>預設圖案</b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_img_info'] = ' 預設遊戲圖案, this image will be displayed if you do not have a image available.';
$lang['admin_default_txt'] = '<b>預設訪客文字</b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_txt_info'] = ' Default text that is displayed to Guests to try to get them to register.';
$lang['admin_tournament_txt'] = '<b>開啟錦標賽模式</b><br />';
$lang['admin_tournament_txt_info'] = ' Turn on Tournament Option.';

$lang['admin_games_per_admin_info'] = ' 這是"系統管理控制台"每頁顯示的遊戲個數.';
$lang['admin_games_image_txt'] = '<b>遊戲圖示檔大小</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_image_txt_info'] = ' 設定遊戲顯示圖示的圖檔顯示長寬.';
$lang['admin_auto_size_txt'] = '<b>讓遊戲自動調整大小</b><br />';
$lang['admin_auto_size_txt_info'] = ' This will overide the config for Flash and Image files, so they load to the correct size.<br /> This does NOT effect the AUTO configuration of the FLASH and IMAGE files when adding. ';
$lang['admin_guest_high_txt'] = '<b>允許訪客登入一個高分</b><br />';
$lang['admin_guest_high_txt_info'] = ' Guests can NEVER post to the AT highscore. This will turn off normal High Scores too.';
$lang['admin_at_highscore_txt'] = '<b>使用 AT 高分系統</b><br />';
$lang['admin_at_highscore_txt_info'] = ' Use the All Time HighScore system to hold scores.';
$lang['admin_show_stats_txt'] = '<b>顯示統計資料</b><br />';
$lang['admin_show_stats_txt_info'] = '刪除這頁的統計資料';

$lang['admin_played'] = '點選';
$lang['admin_available'] = '關閉';
$lang['admin_guest'] = '訪客';
$lang['admin_image_path'] = '<b>遊戲圖示圖檔路徑</b><br />';
$lang['admin_image_path_info'] = ' 這路徑能到任何地方.<br /> (if left blank default will be be used, or enter just the ext {.gif})';
$lang['admin_game_level'] = '<b>訪客進入</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_level_info'] = ' 允許訪客遊玩';//Allow Guests to play'
$lang['admin_game_offline'] = '<b>遊戲已可執行</b><br />'; //Game is Available
$lang['admin_game_offline_info'] = ' 使用者可執行這個遊戲嗎 - 允許您去修改遊戲';//Is the game available to the users? - allows you to fix the game
$lang['admin_game_import_ok'] = '遊戲: "%s" 匯入成功<br /><br />Skipped "%s" Game Records.<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_moderator_info'] = 'The name of the user that is to moderate this area.';

// General
$lang['Edit_Games'] = '編輯遊戲';
$lang['None'] = '無';
$lang['all_games'] = '所有遊戲';

// Arcade
$lang['not_enough_points'] = '您沒有足夠的 ' . $board_config['points_name'] . ' 來玩這個遊戲. <br /><br /><a href="javascript:parent.window.close();">[Close Window]</a>';
$lang['not_enough_reward'] = 'You do NOT have enough to play this game. <br /><br /><a href="javascript:parent.window.close();">[Close Window]</a>';
$lang['game_instructions'] = '操作指南';
$lang['game_no_instructions'] = '無操作指南.';
$lang['game_free'] = '免費';
$lang['game_cost'] = '花費';
$lang['game_dash'] = ':';
$lang['game_number'] = '#';
$lang['game_points'] = '點數';
$lang['game_list'] = $board_config['sitename'] . '電玩大街';
$lang['game_score'] = '分數排名';
$lang['game_info'] = '訊息';
$lang['game_bonuses'] = '紅利';
$lang['game_best_player'] = '最高分玩家';
$lang['game_highscores'] = '最高分排名';
$lang['game_at_highscores'] = '所有的排名';
$lang['game_new_high_score'] = '<b>*** 恭喜你 - 你是全部的最高分 ***</b><br /><br />';
$lang['game_new_at_high_score'] = '<b>* 恭喜 - 新的記錄保持人 *</b><br /><br />'; //<b>* Congratulations - New All Time High Score *</b><br /><br />
$lang['game_score_saved'] = '您的高分數已經儲存了';
$lang['game_score_updated'] = '您的分數已經更新';
$lang['game_score_text'] = '<b>%s</b> 您的 %s<br /><br />';
$lang['game_highscore_off'] = '遊戲排行榜已關閉';//Highscores for this game are OFF
$lang['game_no_score_saved'] = '您並無獲得任何積分所以您的分數不被記錄<br />'; //You don`t have a score so your score was not saved(這句話怪怪的,沒有積分,後頭又補一句積分不被記錄,那不被記錄的那個積分是怎麼來的?)
$lang['game_no_high_score'] = '這次的分數並沒有超過您個人的最高分';
$lang['game_score_close'] = '關閉';
$lang['game_cheater'] = 'Busted!';
$lang['game_statistics'] = '遊戲統計資料';
$lang['game_played'] = '遊戲次數';
$lang['game_stat_price'] = '遊戲花費';
$lang['game_stat_highscore'] = '最高分獎金';
$lang['game_stat_at_highscore'] = 'AT 高分獎金';
$lang['game_score_reward'] = '分數獎賞';
$lang['game_all_time_score'] = '全部時間得分';
$lang['game_current_best'] = '目前最高分玩家';
$lang['game_highest_score'] = '最高分';
$lang['game_welcome'] = '歡迎來到 %s 的電玩大街';
$lang['game_guest_welcome'] = '歡迎進入 %s, 請進 '; //Welcome to %s, Please
$lang['game_stats'] = '遊戲狀態和資訊';
$lang['game_tournament'] = '比賽'; //Tournament
$lang['Game_Select'] = '選擇遊戲';
$lang['Active_Tournaments'] = '有 <b>%s</b> 進行比賽:'; //There are <b>%s</b> Active Tournaments:
$lang['at_score_no_guest'] = '抱歉,訪客無法將成績給排進排行榜內<br /><br />註冊是免費的,並且你可以保有遊戲記錄<br />'; //Sorry, Guests can not post to the all time high score Registration is free, and you could hold the game trophy..
$lang['total_games'] = '我們共有 <b>%s</b> 個遊戲在這個區域.';
$lang['total_games_played'] = '這區域的遊戲被玩過 <b>%s</b> 次.';
$lang['games_are_offline'] = '抱歉,這個程序目前無法成立,請再試一次'; //Sorry, but the Activities are currently unavailable. Please try again later.(我不知道Activities是指什麼,只能暫翻成程序)
$lang['games_register'] = ' - for access to even more games - ITS FREE.<br />';
$lang['games_top_header'] = '遊戲排行榜'; //Top Activities
$lang['games_bum_header'] = '特別的遊戲';
$lang['games_catagories'] = '選擇類型';
$lang['games_section'] = '類型';
$lang['games_total_points'] = '您有 <b>%s</b> 點數.<br />';
$lang['games_top_players'] = 'The best players are:<br />';
$lang['game_your_score'] = '您的分數: "%s" 已經送出.<br /><br />';
$lang['game_hidden'] = '隱藏';//Hidden

$lang['remove_fav_data'] = '無法從我的最愛資料中移除'; //Could not remove data from favorites table
$lang['insert_fav_data'] = '無法插入資料到我的最愛中'; //Could not insert data into favorites table
$lang['no_fav_topic'] = '沒有設定我的最愛標題'; //No topic to set as favorite was set
$lang['favorite_games'] = '我的最愛清單'; //Favorites List
$lang['add_fav'] = '加入我的最愛'; //Add To Favorites

// 如果在底下這條線之後有任何的東西被修改
// 您無法獲得模組發表人的支援也不必感到驚訝
// 當您認同下列授權說明將得到 GPL 授權
// 您修改它們為違法的行為且會引起錯誤
// 勿將此行拿掉! Scott Porters 遊戲函式庫要求這行被所有使用者放在頁面內
// 如果您沒有任何遊戲使用遊戲函式庫,則將關閉它並且將不會被顯示在畫面中
// (註解:以上授權說明是針對下面這兩行版權說明而寫的)

$lang['game_lib_link'] = '<br />Some of the games here have been created with &copy; <A HREF="http://www.javascript-games.org/gamelib/" TARGET="New_Window">GameLib</A> v2.08<br />Check out <A HREF="http://www.javascript-games.org" TARGET="New_Window">JavaScript Games</A> for more info.';
$lang['activitiy_mod_info'] = 'phpBB Activity / Arcade Mod %s &copy; 2004 - dEfEndEr';

// Errors
$lang['no_main_data'] = '無法獲得主要資料'; //Couldn`t obtain main data
$lang['no_game_data'] = '無法獲得遊戲資料'; //Couldn`t obtain game data
$lang['no_cat_update'] = 'Couldn`t update catagory data';
$lang['no_cat_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain catagory data';
$lang['no_cat_data_enter'] = 'No catagory Name or Description - Saved Failed';
\n$lang['no_game_update'] = '無法上傳遊戲資料'; // Couldn`t update game data
$lang['no_game_total'] = '遊戲取得發生錯誤'; // Error getting total games
$lang['no_game_user'] = 'Error obtaining user game data';
$lang['no_game_delete'] = '無法刪除遊戲';
$lang['no_game_repair'] = '無法修復遊戲表'; // Couldn`t repair game tables
$lang['no_game_save'] = '無法儲存使用者資料';
$lang['no_user_data'] = '無法取得使用者資料';
$lang['no_user_update'] = '無法更新使用者資料';
$lang['no_score_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain scores data';
$lang['no_score_reset'] = '無法重設分數資料'; //Couldn`t reset scores data
$lang['no_score_insert'] = '無法插入分數'; //Couldn`t insert score
$lang['no_score_reset'] = '無法重設分數'; //Couldn`t reset scores
$lang['no_config_data'] = 'Could not access Online Activities configuration';
$lang['no_config_update'] = 'Failed to update Online Activities configuration for ';
$lang['no_game_data'] = 'ERROR, No Game Data Received<br />';
$lang['no_game_import'] = '沒有檔案進行匯出/匯入<br /><br />'; //No file to Import / Export
$lang['no_game_import_found'] = '匯入檔案找不到<br /><br />';
$lang['no_read_game_data'] = '無法讀取檔案'; //Error reading from file
$lang['no_write_game_data'] = '無法寫入檔案'; //Error writing to file
$lang['no_game_data_inform'] = 'ERROR, Reading Game Data from System<br /><br />This Error is caussed by your Proxy settings.<br /><br />Turning off your Proxy will allow you to save scores.<br /><br />Registered users do not have this problem.';
$lang['session_error'] = 'Error creating new session';
$lang['game_invalid_game'] = 'ERROR - Invalid Game Options Received<br /><br />This game was not crated for this version of AMod<br />';
$lang['no_special_play_games'] = '沒有可提供的遊戲';
$lang['games_no_guests'] = '抱歉,您無法進入遊戲'; //Sorry, You Have NO Access to that Game
$lang['game_not_compatable'] = 'This game is NOT compatable with this version of Arcade mod<br />';
