
MODs Released by Other phpbb Sites
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版主: 版主管理群

文章: 73
註冊時間: 2003-07-24 16:56


文章 ernie »



代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title:          Who viewed a topic
## MOD Author:         Niels < ncr@db9.dk > (Niels Chr. R鷣) http://mods.db9.dk
## MOD Description:    This MOD will add the ability to logged
##                     users to see who has already viewed the
##                     topic they're watching. A small image
##                     is added to the viewtopic page for this. 
## MOD Version:        1.0.2
## Compatibility:      2.0.x
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time:  5 minutes (1mn by EasyMOD of Nuttzy)
## Files To Edit:      9
##         modcp.php
##         viewonline.php
##         viewtopic.php
##         admin/admin_db_utilities.php
##         includes/constants.php
##         language/lang_english/lang_main.php
##         templates/subSilver/subSilver.cfg
##         templates/subSilver/viewtopic_body.tpl
## Included Files:     4
##         who_viewed_db_update.php
##         root/topic_view_users.php
##         root/templates/subSilver/images/icon_view.gif
##         root/templates/subTrail/images/icon_view.gif
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
## 1. EasyMOD
## -----------
## This MOD is compatible and can be installed by EasyMOD
## of Nuttzy (but is not officially EasyMOD Compliant)!
## http://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB22/viewforum.php?sid=&f=15
## However, on alpha releases of EM and meanwhile beta or 
## final release some actions are NOT performed.
## You'll have to do them manually !
## 1.1 SQL commands are not performed
## -----------
## This MOD need a database update.
## Then, in any case if you install this MOD manually or using
## an alpha release of EM, please copying the who_viewed_db_update.php
## in your phpBB root directory, run it with your navigator,
## and then delete it from the phpBB root directory.
## Please, do it NOW! Before editing phpBB files by EM or manually!!!
## Otherwise, you may have an error message during your next
## connection.
## 1.2 Translation are not managed
## -----------
## Moreover, EM can not already manage actions for any other
## language than English (but language intructions are proceed
## to all installed languages in order to prevent errors).
## So the translations provided with this MOD must be installed
## manually if you need them.
## 2 Official last version link
## -----------
## Meanwhile the phpBB group validation and as the MOD is not yet
## in the phpBB MOD database, check this official link for updates...
## http://mods.db9.dk/viewforum.php?f=51
## MOD History: 
##   2003-10-25 - version 1.0.2
##	- added changes to admin_db_utils.php, making backup/restore posible
##	- changed the PAGE_TOPIC_VIEW constant in constants.php
##	- correct viewonline.php
##   2003-10-24 - version 1.0.1
##	- removed code from the how-to, witch wrongly replaced code in viewtopic.php
##   2003-10-17 - Version 1.0.0
##      - Update topic_view_users.php to be compliant with
##        Admins/mods color management MOD 2.0.0
##      - Instructions rewrite for who_viewed_db_update.php use
##      - Instructions rewrite for the subTrail icon_view.gif use
##      - Put the "Admin/mod only" optional feature instructions
##        in an external file
##      - French translation header updated
##   2003-08-21 - Version 0.9.4 - Release Candidate 2
##      - Correct an important error in the how-to for viewtopic.php
##        (make each view counted twice)
##   2003-08-12 - Version 0.9.3 - Release Candidate 1c
##      - topic_view_users.php updated to be fully compliant with Last visit
##      - Add subTrail icon_view.gif
##   2003-08-03 - Version 0.9.2 - Release Candidate 1b
##      - Fix a bug in the new topic_view_users.php file
##   2003-08-03 - Version 0.9.1 - Release Candidate 1a
##      - Update topic_view_users.php to the 2.0.5 memberlist code
##        (the old file was from a previous phpBB release)
##      - Include the patch for the Admin / mod colors management
##        MOD compatibility in the topic_view_users.php file
##        (because this does NOT disturb or slow down the code)
##      - Delete the Admin / mod colors management MOD patch
##        in this how-to.
##      - Improve install instructions
##   2003-07-22 - Version 0.9.0 - Release Candidate 1
##      - Initial release:
##        MOD written by Niels < ncr@db9.dk > only for its pre-loaded MOD
##        1st standalone install instructions written by Curtis Sanderson < ? >
##        Then updated by Carlo Claessen < nlwebhebbies@nlwebhebbies.nl >
##        And finaly, rewrite in a 1st new phpBB compliant and
##        EM compatible how-to.
##      - Add a patch to display the icon only for admins and mods
##      - Add a patch for Admin / mod colors management MOD compatibility
##      - Add French translation
##      - Release write to be EasyMOD compatible
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 
中文化 lang_main.php

代碼: 選擇全部

// Start add - Who viewed a topic MOD
$lang['Topic_view_users'] = '此文章的觀看用戶列表';
$lang['Topic_time'] = '最後一次觀看';
$lang['Topic_count'] = '觀看次數';
$lang['Topic_view_count'] = '文章觀看用戶列表';
