1 頁 (共 1 頁)

[問題] 請問誰有子分區 2.1.0的中文化

發表於 : 2005-03-20 01:36
請問誰有子分區 2.1.0的中文化呢???


代碼: 選擇全部

 *						lang_extend_cat_hierarchy.php [English]
 *						---------------------------------------
 *	begin				: 08/10/2004
 *	copyright			: Ptirhiik
 *	email				: ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
 *	version				: 0.0.10 - 11/02/2005

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
	die('Hacking attempt');

// admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
	$lang['Lang_extend_cat_hierarchy'] = 'Categories Hierarchy';

	// admin_forums
	$lang['01_Manage'] = 'Management';
	$lang['02_Styles'] = 'Styles';
	$lang['03_Prune'] = 'Pruning';
	$lang['Configuration+'] = 'Configuration +';

	$lang['View_details'] = 'View details';
	$lang['change_view'] = 'Change view';
	$lang['Forum_edit_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to edit a forum (or category).';
	$lang['Forum_create_explain'] = 'The form below will allow you to create a forum (or category).';
	$lang['Forum_type'] = 'Forum type';
	$lang['Forum_main'] = 'Parent forum';
	$lang['Forum_order'] = 'Position this forum after';
	$lang['Move_contents_explain'] = 'Choose a forum to where move all contents (topics and sub-forums).';
	$lang['Forum_style'] = 'Style used to display this forum';
	$lang['Forum_style_explain'] = 'This style will be used in place of the user or default style. Choose "None" if you don\'t want to override them.';
	$lang['Images'] = 'Images';
	$lang['Images_explain'] = 'You can use either an url or an images[] key entry (check template/<i>your_template</i>/<i>your_template</i>.cfg).';
	$lang['Forum_nav_icon'] = 'Navigation icon';
	$lang['Forum_nav_icon_explain'] = 'This icon will appear in front of the forum name in the navigation sentences (Forum index &raquo forum 1 &raquo ...).';
	$lang['Forum_icon'] = 'Forum image';
	$lang['Forum_icon_explain'] = 'This image will appear in front of the forum name in the forum cell of the index page.';
	$lang['Forum_link_hit_count'] = 'Count forum hits';

	$lang['Topics_per_page_explain'] = 'Set the value to 0 to use the default configuration or user choice.';
	$lang['Topics_sort'] = 'Sort topics by';
	$lang['Topics_sort_explain'] = 'Select the sort method you want for this forum. Leave "None" to use the default or the user settings.';
	$lang['Topics_split_in_box'] = 'New box';
	$lang['Topics_split_title_only'] = 'Split with only a title row header';
	$lang['Topics_split_global'] = 'Split global announces from regular announces';
	$lang['Topics_split_announces'] = 'Split Announces from regular et sticky topics';
	$lang['Topics_split_stickies'] = 'Split Stickies from regular topics';

	$lang['Index_layout'] = 'Sub-forums Layout';
	$lang['Last_topic_title_length'] = 'Title length of the last topic on index';
	$lang['Last_topic_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the last topic title on index to prevent the layer to be screw with too long titles. Set it to 0 if you don\'t want to cut the titles.';
	$lang['Override_user_choice'] = 'Override user choice';

	$lang['Board_box_content'] = 'Board announces setup';
	$lang['Board_box_content_explain'] = 'Choose what kind of announces you want to display in the board announces box.';
	$lang['Do_not_display'] = 'Do not display';
	$lang['Global_Parent_announces'] = 'Global and parent-forums announces';
	$lang['Global_Childs_announces'] = 'Global and sub-forums announces';
	$lang['Global_Branch_announces'] = 'Global and whole-section announces';

	$lang['Default_setup'] = 'Default configuration or user choice';

	$lang['Forum_not_empty'] = 'There is still topics standing in this forum : move or delete them before changing the type.';
	$lang['Root_delete_deny'] = 'You can not delete the forum index.';
	$lang['Attach_to_link_denied'] = 'You can not move contents to a link.';
	$lang['Empty_move_to'] = 'Please choose a forum to move contents or "Delete All" to delete them.';
	$lang['Forums_resync_done'] = 'The forum and its sub-forums have been re-synchronised.';

	$lang['Copy'] = 'Copy';
	$lang['Details'] = 'Details';
	$lang['Group'] = 'Group';
	$lang['Selected'] = 'Selected';

	// caches management
	$lang['Caches'] = 'Caches';
	$lang['Cache_admin'] = 'Caches administration';
	$lang['Cache_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can enable, disabled or renew data caches used by the board.';
	$lang['Click_return_cacheadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the caches administration.';

	$lang['Table_caches'] = 'Generic level caches';
	$lang['Template_cache'] = 'Template Cache';
	$lang['Cache_path'] = 'Caches directory';
	$lang['Cache_path_explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root directory where will stand the cache files, e.g. cache/';
	$lang['Check_setup'] = 'Check the directory';

	$lang['Cache_regen'] = 'Regenerate the cache';
	$lang['Cache_last_generation'] = 'Data last regeneration';

	$lang['Enable_cache_config'] = 'Enable config table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_forums'] = 'Enable forums table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_moderators'] = 'Enable moderators list cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_themes'] = 'Enable themes table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_ranks'] = 'Enable ranks table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_words'] = 'Enable words censorship table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_smilies'] = 'Enable smilies table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_icons'] = 'Enable icons table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_cp_patches'] = 'Enable installed control panels patches table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_cp_panels'] = 'Enable control panels definitions table cache';
	$lang['Enable_cache_template'] = 'Enable cache template';
	$lang['Check_recent_tpl'] = 'Check if .tpl files have changed';

	$lang['Cache_failed_config'] = 'Config table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_forums'] = 'Forums table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_moderators'] = 'Moderators list cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_themes'] = 'Themes table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_ranks'] = 'Ranks table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_words'] = 'Words censorship table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_smilies'] = 'Smilies table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_icons'] = 'Icons table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_cp_patches'] = 'Installed control panels patches table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_failed_cp_panels'] = 'Control panels definitions table cache failed. The cache has been disabled.';

	$lang['Cache_succeed_config'] = 'Config table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_forums'] = 'Forums table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_moderators'] = 'Moderators list cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_themes'] = 'Themes table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_ranks'] = 'Ranks table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_words'] = 'Words censorship table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_smilies'] = 'Smilies table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_icons'] = 'Icons table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_cp_patches'] = 'Installed control panels patches table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';
	$lang['Cache_succeed_cp_panels'] = 'Control panels definitions table cache succeed. The cache has been enabled.';

	$lang['User_caches'] = 'User level caches';
	$lang['Cache_fauths'] = 'Forums access permissions cache';
	$lang['Cache_fjbox'] = 'Forums jumpbox cache';
	$lang['Cache_groups_list'] = 'Groups membership cache';
	$lang['Groups_list_sync'] = 'The users groups membership caches have been synchronised.';

	$lang['Board_stats_caches'] = 'Board statistics caches';
	$lang['Total_topics'] = 'Total topics';
	$lang['Last_user'] = 'Last registered user';
	$lang['Board_stats_sync'] = 'The board statistics caches have been synchronised.';

	$lang['Check_results'] = 'Check results';
	$lang['Cache_path_not_found'] = 'The cache directory was not found. The check has ended there, and the generic level caches has been disabled.';
	$lang['Cache_path_found'] = 'The cache directory was found.';
	$lang['Cache_create_unavailable'] = 'The creation of new caches is not available on your system.';
	$lang['Cache_filelist'] = 'Please upload empty files named: %s, and CHMOD them to 666. Unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_sysfile_missing'] = 'The file "sys_tests.dta" dedicated to tests has not been found. Please upload it to your system and CHMOD it to 666. The check has ended there.';
	$lang['Cache_write_disabled'] = 'The script wasn\'t able to write onto the test file (%s). Please adjust the CHMOD for the file and/or the directory (it should be at least 644). The check has ended there, unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_io_unavailable'] = 'The script wasn\'t able to write or read the test file (%s). Unavailable caches has been for now disallowed.';
	$lang['Cache_successfull'] = 'All tests has been passed successfully. You can use the table caches.';

	$lang['Cache_regenerated'] = 'The cache has been marked for regeneration.';
	$lang['Cache_setup_updated'] = 'The caches setup has been updated.';

	// message icon admin
	$lang['Icons_settings'] = 'Message icons';
	$lang['Icons_admin'] = 'Message icons management';
	$lang['Icons_admin_explain'] = 'Here you can edit, delete, create and re-order icons used in front of messages title.';
	$lang['Icons_create'] = 'Create a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_create_explain'] = 'Here you register a new icon for the messages.';
	$lang['Icons_edit'] = 'Edit a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_edit_explain'] = 'Here you can modify the message icon definition and priviledges.';
	$lang['Icons_delete'] = 'Delete a message icon';
	$lang['Icons_delete_explain'] = 'Here you can delete a message icon.';

	$lang['Icons_box'] = 'Sample of posting box';
	$lang['Icons_types'] = 'Default for';
	$lang['Icons_usage'] = 'Usage';
	$lang['No_icons_create'] = 'No icons are available for the messages. Please hit "Create" to add some.';

	$lang['Icon_not_exists'] = 'This icon does not exist';
	$lang['Click_return_iconsadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Message icons administration.';

	$lang['Icon_name'] = 'Icon name';
	$lang['Icon_name_explain'] = 'You can use a lang entry key (check your language/lang_<i>your_language</i>/lang_*.php), or enter directly the icon name.';
	$lang['Icon_url'] = 'Icon URI';
	$lang['Icon_url_explain'] = 'Pick up an icon in the dropw down list.';
	$lang['Icon_acl'] = 'Level require';
	$lang['Icon_acl_explain'] = 'Choose which users will be able to use this icon.';
	$lang['Icon_types'] = 'Default for topic type';
	$lang['Icon_types_explain'] = 'Choose for which topic types this icon will be displayed when none has been choosen by the poster.';
	$lang['Icon_replace'] = 'Replace with icon';
	$lang['Icon_replace_explain'] = 'Choose an icon to replace in posts and topics the one to delete. Choose "None" to reset messages icons.';
	$lang['Icon_after'] = 'Move this icon after';

	$lang['Icon_created'] = 'The icon has been created.';
	$lang['Icon_edited'] = 'The icon has been edited.';
	$lang['Icon_deleted'] = 'The icon has been deleted.';

	$lang['Top'] = '___Top___';

	// styles management
	$lang['Submit_styles'] = 'Submit style';
	$lang['Images_pack'] = 'Images pack';
	$lang['Images_pack_explain'] = 'Enter here the <i>template</i>.cfg file where stands the images definition you want to use (ie.: <i>subSilver/subSilver.cfg</i>).<br />Leave it blank to use the template images pack.';
	$lang['Custom_tpls'] = 'Customised template files directory';
	$lang['Custom_tpls_explain'] = 'Enter here the directory where can be found the customised .tpl files you want to use (ie if the customised .tpl files are located in <i>templates/subSilver/customs</i>, enter <i>customs</i>).<br />Leave it blank if you don\'t use customised tpls.';
	$lang['Stylesheet_explain'] = 'Filename for CSS stylesheet to use for this theme.';
	$lang['Images_pack_not_found'] = 'The images pack you entered has not be found.';
	$lang['Custom_tpls_not_found'] = 'The customised template files directory has not be found.';
	$lang['Head_stylesheet_not_found'] = 'The CSS stylesheet has not be found.';

	// panels
	$lang['Admin_control_panel'] = 'Administration control panel';
	$lang['User_control_panel'] = 'User control panel';
	$lang['Group_control_panel'] = 'Group control panel';

	// config
	$lang['Topics_options'] = 'Topics options';
	$lang['Messages_options'] = 'Messages options';
	$lang['Click_return_msgopt'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to messages options.';
	$lang['Click_return_topicopt'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to topics options.';
	$lang['Click_return_layout'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to forums layout.';
	$lang['Keep_unreads_explain'] = 'Choose "Yes" to keep the unread flags in a cookie, "in database" to keep them in the user profile.';
	$lang['Keep_unreads_in_db'] = 'Saved in database';
	$lang['Icons_path'] = 'Messages icons path';
	$lang['Icons_path_explain'] = 'Default value is "images/icons/".';
	$lang['Default_duration'] = 'Announces default duration';
	$lang['Default_duration_explain'] = 'Default duration proposed while writing an announce.';
	$lang['Site_fav_icon'] = 'Site favorite icon';
	$lang['Site_fav_icon_explain'] = 'This icon is the one appearing in front of the site name of your browser bookmarks. It has to be a .ico file, 16x16 pixels.';
	$lang['Pagination_min'] = 'Minimal number of pages in pagination';
	$lang['Pagination_max'] = 'Maximal number of pages in pagination';
	$lang['Pagination_percent'] = 'Percentage of pages in pagination';

	// sub-title
	$lang['Topic_title_length'] = 'Title length of the topic title on index';
	$lang['Topic_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the topic title on index.';
	$lang['Sub_title_length'] = 'Title length of the sub-title (description) on index';
	$lang['Sub_title_length_explain'] = 'Set the number of chars you want to display for the sub-title (description) on index. Set it to 0 if you doesn\'t want to use the sub-title on the board.';

// lang_main

// generic
$lang['No_valid_action'] = 'The action you are trying to perform is not supported.';
$lang['User_delete_deny'] = 'You are not allowed to delete this user.';

// index display
$lang['Cat_no_subs'] = 'This category has no sub-forums.';
$lang['Click_return_parent'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the parent forum.';
$lang['View_group'] = 'View group informations';
$lang['Subforums'] = 'Sub-forums';
$lang['Link'] = 'Link';
$lang['Forum_link_visited'] = 'This link has been visited %d times <br />since %s';
$lang['Board_announces'] = 'Board Announces';

$lang['Important_topics'] = 'Important topics';
$lang['Global_Announces'] = 'Global Announces';
$lang['Announces'] = 'Announces';
$lang['Stickies'] = 'Stickies';

$lang['Post_Global_Announcement'] = 'Global announcement';

$lang['Hot_topic'] = 'Popular';
$lang['Own_topic'] = 'You have posted in this topic';

$lang['Topic_Moved'] = 'Moved';
$lang['Topic_Poll'] = 'Poll';
$lang['Topic_Locked'] = 'Locked';
$lang['Topic_Global_Announcement'] = 'Global announcement';
$lang['Topic_Announcement'] = 'Announcement';
$lang['Topic_Sticky'] = 'Sticky';
$lang['Topic_Attached'] = 'Attachment';

$lang['First_Post'] = 'First Post';
$lang['No_topics'] = 'There are no posts in this forum.';
$lang['Topics_count'] = '[%s Topics]';
$lang['Posts_count'] = '[%s Posts]';
$lang['Topics_count_1'] = '[%s Topic]';
$lang['Posts_count_1'] = '[%s Post]';

$lang['Legend'] = 'Legend';
$lang['Not_available'] = 'Not available';

$lang['Announce_ends'] = 'Announce end: %s';

// date extended
$lang['Today'] = 'Today';
$lang['Yesterday'] = 'Yesterday';
$lang['Today_at'] = 'Today, at %s';
$lang['Yesterday_at'] = 'Yesterday, at %s';

// auto form error messages
$lang['empty_error'] = 'the value must be filled.';
$lang['length_mini_error'] = 'the value is too short.';
$lang['length_maxi_error'] = 'the value is too long.';
$lang['value_mini_error'] = 'the value must be greater.';
$lang['value_maxi_error'] = 'the value must be lower.';
$lang['options_error'] = 'the value choosen is not available in the list.';
$lang['options_empty_error'] = 'no value available for this field.';
$lang['url_error'] = 'this is not a valid url.';
$lang['Date_not_valid'] = 'This is not a valid date';
$lang['Not_a_valid_directory'] = 'This is not a valid directory';
$lang['Not_a_valid_script'] = 'This is not a valid script';
$lang['Only_numeric_allowed'] = 'Only numerics are allowed';

// tree drawing
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_HSPACE] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_VSPACE] = '|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_CROSS] = '|___';
$lang['tree_pic_' . TREE_CLOSE] = '|___';

// modcp
$lang['Move_to_forum_error'] = 'The target forum you choose is a category or a link, so can not contain topics.';

// search
$lang['No_such_forum'] = 'No such forum. Please select an existing forum.';
$lang['Search_in_forum'] = 'Search in forum';
$lang['Search_no_subs'] = 'Do not include sub-forums in the search scope';

// posting
$lang['Message_icon'] = 'Message icons';
$lang['No_icon'] = 'No icon';
$lang['Topic_duration'] = 'Announcement ending date';
$lang['Topic_duration_explain'] = 'This is the date an announcement will stop to appear in other forums as a global announce or a board announce.';
$lang['Topic_duration_special'] = 'Choose "Never displayed" to never show this announce elsewhere than in its own forum, <br />choose "Always displayed" to display it forever.';
$lang['Never_displayed'] = 'Never displayed';
$lang['Always_displayed'] = 'Always displayed';

// icons title
$lang['icon_none'] = 'No icon';
$lang['icon_note'] = 'Note';
$lang['icon_important'] = 'Important';
$lang['icon_idea'] = 'Idea';
$lang['icon_warning'] = 'Warning !';
$lang['icon_question'] = 'Question';
$lang['icon_cool'] = 'Cool';
$lang['icon_funny'] = 'Funny';
$lang['icon_angry'] = 'Grrrr !';
$lang['icon_sad'] = 'Snif !';
$lang['icon_mocker'] = 'Hehehe !';
$lang['icon_shocked'] = 'Oooh !';
$lang['icon_complicity'] = 'Complicity';
$lang['icon_bad'] = 'Bad !';
$lang['icon_great'] = 'Great !';
$lang['icon_disgusting'] = 'Beark !';
$lang['icon_winner'] = 'Gniark !';
$lang['icon_impressed'] = 'Oh yes !';
$lang['icon_roleplay'] = 'Roleplay';
$lang['icon_fight'] = 'Fight';
$lang['icon_loot'] = 'Loot';
$lang['icon_picture'] = 'Picture';
$lang['icon_calendar'] = 'Calendar event';

// settings
$lang['No_options'] = 'No options available.';
$lang['Click_return_prefs'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to your preferences.';
$lang['Topic_read'] = 'Reading topics';
$lang['Board_layout'] = 'Board layout';
$lang['Default'] = 'Default';
$lang['Keep_unreads'] = 'Keep messages unread';
$lang['Keep_unreads_dft_explain'] = 'Choose "Yes" to keep unread topics alive for your next visit.';
$lang['Topics_sort'] = 'Sort topics by';
$lang['Topics_sort_dft_explain'] = 'Select the default sort method.';
$lang['Smart_date'] = 'Smart date';
$lang['Smart_date_explain'] = 'Display "Today" or "Yesterday" in messages dates.';
$lang['Board_box_display'] = 'Display Board announces box';
$lang['Index_pack'] = 'Pack sub-categories';
$lang['Index_pack_explain'] = 'If sat, categories will appear with a forum layer.';
$lang['Index_split'] = 'Split sub-categories';
$lang['Index_split_explain'] = 'If sat, categories will be splited from each other. This setup is ignored if "Pack sub-categories" is On.';

// standard prefs
$lang['Internationalisation'] = 'Internationalisation';
$lang['Posting_messages'] = 'Posting a message';
$lang['Privacy_choices'] = 'Privacy choices';

// user levels
$lang['Administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['User'] = 'User';

// stats extended
$lang['Past_guests'] = 'Guests visits count';
$lang['Stats_display_past'] = 'Display visits historic on index';

$lang['Past_users_zero_total'] = 'There has been no users online within the last 24 hours :: ';
$lang['Past_user_total'] = 'There has been 1 user online within the last 24 hours :: ';
$lang['Past_users_total'] = 'There has been <b>%d</b> users online within the last 24 hours :: ';

$lang['Hour_users_zero_total'] = 'There has been no users online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_user_total'] = 'There has been 1 user online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_users_total'] = 'There has been <b>%d</b> users online within the current hour :: ';
$lang['Hour_visits'] = '(%s within the current hour)';

// unmark topics
$lang['Topic_unmarked_read'] = 'The topic has been marked unread';
$lang['Topic_unmark_read'] = 'Mark the topic unread';
$lang['Post_unmark_read'] = 'Mark this post and the followings unread';

// sub-title
$lang['Sub_title'] = 'Subject description';
$lang['Sub_title_desc'] = 'Description: %s';

// run stats
$lang['Stat_surround'] = '[ %s ]';
$lang['Stat_sep'] = ' - ';
$lang['Stat_page_duration'] = 'Time: %.4fs';
$lang['Stat_local_duration'] = 'local trace: %.4fs';
$lang['Stat_part_php'] = 'PHP: %.2d%%';
$lang['Stat_part_sql'] = 'SQL: %.2d%%';
$lang['Stat_queries_total'] = 'Queries: %2d (%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_queries_db'] = 'db: %2d (%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_queries_cache'] = 'cache: %2d (%.4fs/%.4fs)';
$lang['Stat_gzip_enable'] = 'GZIP on';
$lang['Stat_debug_enable'] = 'Debug on';
$lang['Stat_request'] = 'Request';
$lang['Stat_line'] = 'Line:&nbsp;%d';
$lang['Stat_cache'] = 'cache:&nbsp;%.4fs';
$lang['Stat_db'] = 'db:&nbsp;%.4fs';
$lang['Stat_table'] = 'Table';
$lang['Stat_type'] = 'Type';
$lang['Stat_possible_keys'] = 'Possible keys';
$lang['Stat_key'] = 'Used key';
$lang['Stat_key_len'] = 'Key length';
$lang['Stat_ref'] = 'Ref.';
$lang['Stat_rows'] = 'Rows';
$lang['Stat_Extra'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Stat_Comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['Stat_id'] = 'Id';
$lang['Stat_select_type'] = 'Select type';

// debug
$lang['dbg_location'] = 'Location';
$lang['dbg_line'] = 'Line';
$lang['dbg_file'] = 'File';
$lang['dbg_empty'] = 'Empty';
$lang['dbg_backtrace'] = 'Back trace';
$lang['dbg_requester'] = 'Requester';



代碼: 選擇全部

 *						lang_extend_auth_center.php [English]
 *						-------------------------------------
 *	begin				: 26/10/2004
 *	copyright			: Ptirhiik
 *	email				: ptirhiik@clanmckeen.com
 *	version				: 0.0.6 - 12/02/2005

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
	die('Hacking attempt');

// group selection
$lang['Click_return_select_groups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to groups selection.';
$lang['Select_groups'] = 'Select a group or a user';

// special groups
$lang['Group_own'] = 'Own user';
$lang['Group_own_desc'] = 'User acting on his profile';

// system groups
$lang['Board_founder'] = 'Main administrators';
$lang['Board_founder_desc'] = 'Main administrators';
$lang['Group_admin'] = 'Administrators';
$lang['Group_admin_desc'] = 'Users having the permissions to administrate the board';
$lang['Group_anonymous'] = 'Guests';
$lang['Group_anonymous_desc'] = 'Not registered users';
$lang['Group_registered'] = 'Registered users';
$lang['Group_registered_desc'] = 'All registered users';
$lang['No_such_group'] = 'This group does not exist';
$lang['Change_sysgroup_type_denied'] = 'This group has to be at least closed';
$lang['Manage_group_denied'] = 'You are not authorised to modify this group definition.';

// admin part
if ( $lang_extend_admin )
	$lang['Lang_extend_auth_center'] = 'Permissions Center';

	// complementary for group management
	$lang['Board_founder_explain'] = 'Note : the Main administrators group doesn\'t require any permissions to be sat : it has already all authorised.';
	$lang['Delete_sysgroup_denied'] = 'You can not delete a system group';
	$lang['Change_sysgroup_denied'] = 'You can not change the system status of this group.';
	$lang['Unknown_group_sysstatus'] = 'Unknown system status';
	$lang['System_group'] = 'System group';

	// main panel name
	$lang['Panels_index'] = 'Panels index';
	$lang['phpbb_acp'] = 'phpBB Administration Panel';

	// direct entry for the menu
	$lang['Auths_Center'] = 'Auths Center';
	$lang['Control_panels'] = 'Control panels';
	$lang['10_Permissions_manager'] = 'Permissions/Manager';
	$lang['11_Permissions_managed'] = 'Permissions/Managed';

	// auth values
	$lang['Auth_not_authorised'] = ' -- ';
	$lang['Auth_authorised'] = 'Authorised';
	$lang['Auth_denied'] = 'Denied even if authorised';
	$lang['Auth_forced'] = 'Authorised even if denied';

	// forums auths list
	$lang['auth_view'] = 'View forum';
	$lang['auth_read'] = 'Read topics';
	$lang['auth_post'] = 'Create new topics';
	$lang['auth_reply'] = 'Reply to existing topics';
	$lang['auth_edit'] = 'Edit own posts';
	$lang['auth_delete'] = 'Delete own posts';
	$lang['auth_sticky'] = 'Create stickies';
	$lang['auth_announce'] = 'Create announces';
	$lang['auth_global_announce'] = 'Create global announces';
	$lang['auth_vote'] = 'Vote';
	$lang['auth_pollcreate'] = 'Create new polls';
	$lang['auth_mod'] = 'Can moderate the forum';
	$lang['auth_mod_display'] = 'Is displayed as a forum moderator';
	$lang['auth_attachments'] = 'Post Files';
	$lang['auth_download'] = 'Download Files';
	$lang['auth_manage'] = 'Can administrate';

	// panels auths list
	$lang['Access'] = 'Access the panel';

	// groups auths list
	$lang['ucp_edit_profile'] = 'Can edit profile';
	$lang['ucp_edit_privacy'] = 'Can edit privacy informations';
	$lang['ucp_edit_i18n'] = 'Can edit internationalisation options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_posting'] = 'Can edit posting options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_topicread'] = 'Can edit topic read options';
	$lang['ucp_edit_layout'] = 'Can edit board layout preferences options';

	// presets
	$lang['Auths_presets'] = 'Authorisations presets';
	$lang['Presets_not_found'] = 'Preset not found';
	$lang['Preset_name'] = 'Preset name';
	$lang['Preset_name_explain'] = 'Hitting export : if you use an existing name, the preset with this name will be updated ; if authorisations match an existing preset, the name of this preset will be updated ; in other cases, the preset will be created.';
	$lang['Export_preset'] = 'Export into a preset';
	$lang['Delete_preset'] = 'Delete this preset';
	$lang['Preset_changed'] = 'This authorisations set matches another preset : please verify the preset name and confirm you action.';
	$lang['Preset_name_empty'] = 'You must enter a preset name in order to achieve this action.';
	$lang['Preset_name_exists'] = 'This preset name is already used for another preset.';
	$lang['Preset_created'] = 'Preset created.';
	$lang['Preset_updated'] = 'Preset updated.';
	$lang['Preset_deleted'] = 'Preset deleted.';
	$lang['Submit_presets'] = 'Submit presets';

	// presets name
	$lang['Custom'] = 'Custom';
	$lang['None'] = ' -- none -- ';

	// forums
	$lang['Preset_read_post_vote'] = 'Read, post and vote';
	$lang['Preset_read_only'] = 'Read only';
	$lang['Preset_moderator'] = 'Moderate';
	$lang['Preset_moderator_hidden'] = 'Moderate (hidden)';
	$lang['Preset_admin'] = 'Administrate';

	// panels
	$lang['Preset_access'] = 'Access';

	// groups
	$lang['Preset_view'] = 'View';

	// generic return message
	$lang['Click_return_auths'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to permissions';
	$lang['No_objects'] = 'No object managed';

	// group selection
	$lang['Select_source_groups'] = 'Select a manager (User or Group)';
	$lang['Select_source_groups_explain'] = 'Select the group or the user you want to grant permissions to.';
	$lang['Select_target_groups'] = 'Select a user or a group to manage';
	$lang['Select_target_groups_explain'] = 'Select the group or the user you want to set permissions on.';

	// forum selection
	$lang['Click_return_select_forums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to forums selection.';
	$lang['Select_target_forums'] = 'Select a forum';
	$lang['Select_target_forums_explain'] = 'Select the forum you want to give access to.';

	// panel selection
	$lang['Select_panels'] = 'Select a panel';
	$lang['Click_return_select_panels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to panels selection.';
	$lang['Select_target_panels'] = 'Select a panel';
	$lang['Select_target_panels_explain'] = 'Select the panel you want to give access to.';
	$lang['Panel_name'] = 'Name';
	$lang['Panel_shortcut'] = 'Shortcut';

	// auth type & direction selection
	$lang['Auth_center'] = 'Permissions Center';
	$lang['Auth_center_explain'] = 'Here you will be able to edit permissions used by the board.';
	$lang['Click_return_auth_center'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Permissions Center';

	$lang['Select_auth_type_dir'] = 'Select Permission type and action';
	$lang['Auth_type'] = 'Permission type';
	$lang['Forum_auth_type'] = 'Forum';
	$lang['Panel_auth_type'] = 'Control panel';
	$lang['Group_auth_type'] = 'User or Group';

	$lang['Auth_direction'] = 'See permissions per';
	$lang['Manager'] = 'Manager (User or group)';
	$lang['Object_managed'] = 'Object managed (%s)';

	// overviews
	$lang['Panels_managed'] = 'Control panels managed';
	$lang['Forums_managed'] = 'Forums managed';
	$lang['Group_managed'] = 'User or Group Managed';
	$lang['Group_manager'] = 'User or Group Manager';
	$lang['No_groups'] = 'No groups or users have been choosen. Please click Add to add one.';
	$lang['Add_group'] = 'Add a new group or user';
	$lang['Usergroup_members_legend'] = '<b>Legend:</b>&nbsp;<b>name</b> = this group has permissions';
	$lang['Group_members_legend'] = '<b>Legend:</b>&nbsp;<b>name</b> = this user has individual permissions';

	// forums overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewforums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forums overview.';
	$lang['Overview_forums'] = 'Forums overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_forums_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the forums';
	$lang['Please_confirm'] = 'Please verify the inputs, then confirm your action';

	// panels overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewpanels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panels overview.';
	$lang['Overview_panels'] = 'Panels overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_panels_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the panels';

	// groups overview
	$lang['Click_return_overviewgroups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the groups overview.';
	$lang['Overview_groups'] = 'Groups overview (per User or Group manager)';
	$lang['Overview_groups_explain'] = 'Here you can set permissions to the groups';

	// forums reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewforums_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forums reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_forums'] = 'Forums reversed overview (per forum managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_forums_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups manager for the forum choosen.';

	// panels reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewpanels_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panels reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_panels'] = 'Panels reversed overview (per panel managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_panels_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups for the panel choosen.';

	// groups reversed overviewed
	$lang['Click_return_overviewgroups_rev'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the groups reversed overview.';
	$lang['Overview_rev_groups'] = 'Groups reversed overview (per User or Group managed)';
	$lang['Overview_rev_groups_explain'] = 'Here you can manage the permissions of all the groups manager for the group choosen.';

	// edit forum auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_forums'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the forum permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_forums_auth'] = 'Forum permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_forums_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this forum, and create, update or delete presets.';

	// edit panel auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_panels'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the panel permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_panels_auth'] = 'Panel permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_panels_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this panel, and create, update or delete presets.';
	$lang['No_such_panel'] = 'No such panel exists.';

	// edit group auths details
	$lang['Click_return_edit_auth_groups'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the group permissions edition.';
	$lang['Edit_groups_auth'] = 'Group permissions details';
	$lang['Edit_groups_auth_explain'] = 'Here you can define the permissions to set to this group, and create, update or delete presets.';

	// auths definitions
	$lang['Definition'] = 'Definition';
	$lang['Auths_definition'] = 'Permissions definition';
	$lang['Auths_definition_explain'] = 'Here you can edit, add or remove permissions fields';
	$lang['Click_return_auths_def'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to permission definition';
	$lang['Create_auths_def'] = 'Create a new permissions field';
	$lang['Create_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can create a new permission definition';
	$lang['Edit_auths_def'] = 'Edit a permission definition';
	$lang['Edit_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can edit the definition of a permission';
	$lang['Delete_auths_def'] = 'Delete permission definition';
	$lang['Delete_auths_def_explain'] = 'Here you can delete a permission definition';
	$lang['Import_auths_def'] = 'Import permissions definition';
	$lang['Select_auth_type'] = 'Select permission type';
	$lang['No_auths_def'] = 'No permissions created yet. <br />Please press "Create" to create a new one, <br />"Regen" to import existing ones.';
	$lang['No_such_auth_type'] = 'The permissions type you are requesting does not exist.';

	// importing auths defs and forums auths
	$lang['Forums_auths_def_imported'] = 'Forums permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Forums_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new forums permissions definitions to import.';
	$lang['Forums_auths_imported'] = 'Forums permissions have been imported too.';
	$lang['Panels_auths_def_imported'] = 'Panels permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Panels_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new panels permissions definitions to import.';
	$lang['Groups_auths_def_imported'] = 'Groups permissions definitions have been imported.';
	$lang['Groups_auths_def_done'] = 'There were no new groups permissions definitions to import.';

	// auths def detail
	$lang['No_such_auth_id'] = 'The permission you are requesting does not exist.';
	$lang['Auth_name'] = 'Permission name';
	$lang['Auth_name_explain'] = 'This is the symbolic name used to test the authorisation within the script.';
	$lang['Auth_desc'] = 'Permission description';
	$lang['Auth_title'] = 'Title';
	$lang['Auth_title_explain'] = 'Setting this field to yes will make it used as a title within the permissions lists.';
	$lang['Auth_order'] = 'Position this permission after';

	// update messages
	$lang['Auths_def_created'] = 'The permission definition has been added.';
	$lang['Auths_def_updated'] = 'The permission definition has been updated.';
	$lang['Auths_def_deleted'] = 'The permission definition has been deleted.';


發表於 : 2005-03-31 15:46